RE: Grddl Squirrel 6 test cases

> I haven't formalized your test cases to integrate them in the 
> test suite yet; I'm not sure what difference it makes whether 
> the namespace document is served as application/xml or 
> application/rdf+xml; does any spec imply the interpretation 
> should be different? (there is a difference for the fragment 
> identifier handling, but I'm not sure it's relevant in this 
> particular case).

The RDF syntax spec says

If the RDF/XML is a standalone XML document (identified by presentation
as an application/rdf+xml RDF MIME type object, or by some other means)
then the grammar may start with production doc or production

The significance of this is that it opens the way for an RDF document to
have a dataview:transformation attribute on its root element.  The other
question is if it is not served with an RDF mimetype should one apply
transforms in the namespace doc itself.

> With regard to the second aspect of your tests (a 
> dataview:transformation on an RDF root element), I think the 
> GRDDL specification should explicitly say that hitting an 
> RDF/XML representation ends the dereferencing loop - it 
> doesn't at this stage.

> Another option is to say that a GRDDL implementation should 
> not attempt to incorporate non-Valid RDF statements at any 
> stage in the process (in which case the interpretation is in 
> fact different in the end).

We'd need to be clear about what "non-valid RDF statements" are.  Do you
mean invalid RDF syntax?

> I haven't thought fully about case 7 yet; I guess we need to 
> define GRDDL transformations in terms of statements collected 
> in the process of dereferencing the various statements (i.e. 
> whether a transformation can only apply at a certain stage in 
> the processing, or if all the transformations collected 
> during the process should be applied).
> Interesting question to explore :)

Indeed.  I think it would be helpful to have the algorithm spelled out.

> Also, at some point, RDF/XML could be integrated into a 
> non-RDF root element; is that still the case? If so, we 
> probably need test cases to deal with that possibility as well.

Hmm, I'm not clear about that.  Clearly one can include the RDF/XML in
some other root element, but I'm not sure if one is then allowed to
interpret it as RDF/XML - can the context modify the meaning?


Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 16:41:43 UTC