Re: RDFa reliance on namespace declaration

On 17/06/2006 00:06, Mark Birbeck wrote:
> Firstly, this is not how XSLT behaves, Ian. XSLT doesn't actually know
> anything about namespace *declarations*--what it deals with are
> namespace nodes. If you declare CC on the <html> element, then you
> will have a namespace node for CC on *every* element in the document.
> At any point in the tree you can copy all of the current in-scope
> namespaces. That's what you did when you used xsl:copy-of, and that's
> why you *should* get CC and FOAF namespaces copied through onto <head>
> and <body>. That's what I get in all of the XSLT processors I have
> tried.

This is missing the original point of this thread. It's not the 
namespace nodes that I'm interested in, but the specific prefixes that 
are used in the resulting XML serialization and their binding to the 
CURIEs/qnames in attribute values.

Can you reference the part of the XSLT specification that requires 
processors to preserve the prefixes of namespaces in the serialization?

There's no mandate to do so for xsl:element or xsl:attribute. For 
example section 7.1.2 of XSLT1 [1] says:

"XSLT processors may make use of the prefix of the QName specified in 
the name attribute when selecting the prefix used for outputting the 
created element as XML; however, they are not required to do so."

Perhaps I'm missing something?



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Received on Saturday, 17 June 2006 10:08:59 UTC