Re: Additional Examples for RDF/A Primer

Mark, Dan,

On the issue of expressing the foaf:Person as an extra node, one can  
use a chunk of the document, right? I believe we used that example in  
the RDF/A Syntax document [1]. It would look something like what  
follows, remembering that LINK and META are special and let you  
reference the containing node (I'm using DIVs instead of SECTIONs for  

<html xmlns:foaf=...>
<div id="person">
    <link rel="foaf:homepage" href="" />
    My name is <meta property="foaf:name">Ben Adida</meta>,
    and you're looking at my homepage.


Whether this is simpler than other proposed examples is a matter of  
taste, though I do like this use of META and LINK and having all the  
foaf information be self-contained. I also believe that specifying  
the foaf:homepage property would automatically cause, by inference,  
the proper RDF type to be applied to <#person>, correct?



Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 00:39:44 UTC