[ACTION] Produce XHTML M12N 1.1 Schemas for RDFA

Dear all,

I've completed the work I needed to do to create the necessary schemas, but
unfortunately I've not been able to do it actually on versions of the latest
M12N schemas, since I can't locate them. I'll have a word with Shane and
find out where they are.

However, I have created a whole set of schemas using a previous version of
the compound document schemas I created--which were fed into the latest
draft of M12N, so they won't be enormously different--and that process is
described here:


I've put it there rather than just posting a long email, since it means I
can easily keep the page up to date as I get feedback, as well as update the
text and schemas when I get the latest M12N schemas from Shane.

The document has four sections:

 * Adding the elements
 * Adding the attributes
 * Adding the datatypes
 * Rationalising @href



Mark Birbeck
x-port.net Ltd.

e: Mark.Birbeck@x-port.net
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Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 02:04:27 UTC