Re: Telecon Tuesday - 1st Nov. 2005 - 1500 UTC (note time change)


Thanks for this.

Does this mean you're expecting to extract triples using GRDDL only,  
or are you also trying to use RDF/A so that a standard XHTML2+RDF/A  
parser would be able to extract the metadata accordingly?


On Oct 31, 2005, at 9:52 AM, Misha Wolf wrote:

>> It might be helpful if you could summarize your goals with
>> respect NewsML2 and how CURIEs fit in. I can probably cobble
>> it together from the various emails, but hearing it directly
>> from you, an XHTML2 customer, would be best.
> Here's an attempt to explain what we're doing.  If you want
> clarification, please let me know.
> NewsML is a content-agnostic language, used to package News data (eg
> text, XML, voice, graphics, photos, video) and/or references to such
> data.  In today's News industry metadata is as important as data.
> It is metadata that allows users to get the News they want, when and
> how they want.
> NewsML 1 is DTD-based language, which uses a mechanism for
> taxonomies that is not based on URIs and, hence, not scalable.
> NewsML 2 is under development and will shortly eneter its a test
> phase.  We are planning for completion and ratification in 2006.
> NewsML 2 marks a new beginning for the News industry.
> NewsML 2 metadata divides into text (with markup) and 'codes'.  For
> the textual metadata (eg title and description), we're planning to
> use XHTML.
> For the codes, we hope to be completely Semantic Web compatible,
> while not forcing providers to adopt new technologies faster than
> their circumstances allow.  Consequently, we are designing NewsML 2
> so that the metadata can be processed with no knowledge of RDF.  We
> plan to provide a GRDDL transform, so that those who wish to
> convert the metadata to triples can do so.  To make this clearer,
> here's an example:
>    <ns prefix="nc" uri=""/>
>    ...
>    <subject code="nc:15062000"/>
> The above states that the News story (if not stated, the RDF
> subject is implied) has a property whose value is:
> and whose relationship to the News story is that of a "subject"
> (rather like a DC:subject).
> There are two reasons why we can't use Qnames and xmlns
> declarations:
> -  The News industry and the Financial industry are full of
>    taxonomies making use of numeric codes.  They aren't alone
>    in this (consider ISBN and ISSN).
> -  Bandwidth is very important to the News industry.  xmlns
>    declarations can't be XIncluded, so we can't use them.
> This is why we are planning to use CURIEs and a prefix declaration
> syntax based on elements rather that attributes.
> Misha Wolf
> News Standards Manager, Reuters,
> Vice-Chair, News Architecture Working Party, IPTC,
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Received on Monday, 31 October 2005 15:13:55 UTC