Re: Question from the RDF-in-XHTML task force on the HTML Role Attribute

Ben Adida wrote:

> Specifically, we're considering assigning a RDF property to the ROLE  
> attribute in HTML, for example:
> ==========
> <div role="dcterms:abstract">
> .... the summary of the document....
> </div>
> ==========
> would yield a triple:
> ==========
> _:div0 xhtml2:role dcterms:abstract .
> ==========
> The question is, what should xhtml2:role be? Should it be simply  
> rdf:type? Should it be xhtml2:role with no relationship to rdf:type?  

Given that DCMI defines dcterms:abstract (URI= as a property not a class - i.e. it's 
use is

document has-abstract summary

rather than

document is-a abstract

- I don't think you want an rdf:type relationship (or subproperty of 

Or maybe you do, and the use of dcterms:abstract isn't a good example of 
a typical value of the role attribute?

> How should we go about making this decision? Are there guidelines for  
> subclassing rdf:type?



Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 12:23:25 UTC