GRDDL & relative URIs (was: glean-hcal.xsl -- a GRDDL transformation for hCalendar)

Le dimanche 28 août 2005 à 01:17 -0500, Dan Connolly a écrit :
> I went to a pretty cool meeting last week and served as scribe...
> Tonight I enhanced the record so that the actions
> and the event-related decisions are formalized,
> using hCard and GRDDL.

Cool :)

> Hmm... it expects the base URI in an XSLT parameter
> called Source. I think I used Base in other GRDDL
> transformations, and my implementation
> doesn't give that parameter. Is this a documented
> GRDDL issue?
> ah... yes...
> "how the transformation algorithm gets the base URI; specify how that
> works as an XSLT param"
>  --

FWIW, except for the RSS use case (where one needs to use a URI as a
string rather than as a URI), I don't remember any case where simply
using relative URIs (with the assumption that it is relative with regard
to the original resources) don't solve that problem.

I thought we had agreed to add that rule (i.e. that relative URIs in the
resulting RDF are to be dereferenced with regard to the URI of the
original resources) in GRDDL, but don't see it there, so either we
haven't, or it hasn't been added to the document.
is the most recent thread where this was discussed; there was no
objection to the proposal, so I guess that counts as "we agreed".

I'm not quite sure where it would fit best in the spec; maybe we need a
more general section on context, detailing which environment properties
are transitive through GRDDL (base URI, some HTTP headers like


Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Monday, 29 August 2005 07:49:30 UTC