Re: further on RDF/A

* Jeremy Carroll <> [2004-10-27 10:18+0100]
> Sorry this is in dribs and drabs ... I hadn't realised I was launching 

Talking of which, here's another. The draft I looked at had some
examples that used foaf:knows as a relationship between
mailto:-identified mailboxes, before moving on to show a "more correct"
usage where it related people. In RDF/FOAF, it isn't "less correct" to 
assert foaf:knows holding between mailboxes, it's just incorrect, since 
people can't be mailboxes (we didn't make this explicit in the OWL
though[1]), and foaf:knows has domain/range of Person so whenever we assert
X foaf:knows Y we're also implicitly claiming that X and Y are both of 
rdf:type foaf:Person. It'd be bettter to use "eg:knows" for the
mailto:-based examples...



Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2004 11:14:39 UTC