Re: book-keeping & suggesting some PROPOSALs to approve per email

I think the path of least resistance is to leave them in as NotClassified...


On 12/21/2012 5:30 AM, Birte Glimm wrote:
> I'm not sure what to do with the two extra RIF tests. They are not
> wrong, but test non-normative features. For the OWL WG we had optional
> tests (ExtraCreditTests), so we could use something similar here,
> leave them as NotClassified or remove them. I'm ok with all three
> options, although I would prefer keeping them, e.g., as extra credit
> or non-normative tests.
> Birte
> On 20 December 2012 19:41, Lee Feigenbaum <> wrote:
>> Agree. The test should not have been marked approved.
>> Le
>> On 12/20/2012 1:29 PM, Gregory Williams wrote:
>>> On Dec 19, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Gregory Williams wrote:
>>>> - As I mentioned, the temporal-proximity-by-exclusion-minus-1 test is
>>>> marked as approved, but commented out of the manifest list. I'm not sure
>>>> what to do with it.
>>> After digging into this a bit deeper, I think this was my fault. The test
>>> was approve here:
>>> That resolution says "approve all non-approved test cases at
>>>". The state of
>>> the implementation report at the time of that resolution is in CVS at r1.10,
>>> and does *not* contain the temporal-proximity-by-exclusion-minus-1 test.
>>> However, given the resolution text, I believe I went to the manifest and
>>> marked all tests in the file as approved, regardless of whether they had
>>> been commented out in the manifest list (which
>>> temporal-proximity-by-exclusion-minus-1 had).
>>> So unless somebody objects, I'm going to remove the approval status from
>>> that test (as it never should have been there in the first place), and then
>>> adjust my working patch of the test suite to remove that test completely
>>> (pending group approval on cleaning up the test suite of non-approved
>>> tests).
>>> thanks,
>>> .greg

Received on Friday, 21 December 2012 13:37:55 UTC