Re: GSP progress

Now green (or know to be code-missing) to this point.

>> ** gsp:get_of_post__after_noop
>> I don't understand this one
>> This looks like a failure to detect the MIME type as text/turtle as
>> yesterday when you relaxed about test to look for contains
>> "text/turtle". But I have tried several formats and can't get it to
>> work. The response looks OK to me when I use curl.
>> Can you give me a hint as to why it fails?
> For that test, the response from the validator is "unexpected returned RDF graph". That error
> is only returned if a) the content-type is not provided or it contains 'text/turtle' AND
> b) the graph returned by the GET is not isomorphic to what is expected:
> @prefix foaf: <> .
> @prefix v: <> .
> [] a foaf:Person;
>     foaf:businessCard [ a v:VCard; v:given-name "Alice" ] .

The HTML report says:

POST - create new graph    /ds/  passed  (1)
POST - create new graph   /ds/  passed  (2)
GET of POST - create new graph   /ds/1  passed  (3)
POST - empty graph to existing graph  /ds/1  passed  (4) **
GET of POST - after noop   /ds/1  failed  (5)

In the Fuseki log, I'm seeing an empty PUT, not an empty POST at (4) 
hence /ds/1 is empty at (5).

BTW it says "POST - create new graph" twice at (1) and (2) - the server 
only got one POST.

It insists on calling the graph store "/ds/" at (1) and (2)- the name I 
gave it on the form was "/ds" -- I now supress double // to avoid 
confusion later.


[22] is (4) and [23] is (5)

[22] PUT
[22]   Host       
[22]   Content-Length       0
[22]   Content-Type         text/turtle; charset=utf-8
[22]   User-Agent           Python-httplib2/$Rev$
[22]   Cache-Control        no-cache
[22]   Accept-Encoding      identity
[22] All: PUT /ds :: '1' :: [text/turtle charset=utf-8] ?
[22]   Body: Content-Length=0, Content-Type=text/turtle, Charset=utf-8 
=> Turtle
[22] 204 No Content
[23] GET
[23]   Host       
[23]   Accept               text/turtle; charset=utf-8
[23]   User-Agent           Python-httplib2/$Rev$
[23]   Cache-Control        no-cache
[23]   Accept-Encoding      gzip, deflate
[23] All: GET /ds :: '1' :: <none> ?
[23]   Get: Content-Type=text/turtle, Charset=utf-8 => Turtle
[23]   Content-Type         text/turtle
[23] 200 OK

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 10:00:10 UTC