Re: Ambiguity between SPARQL 1.1 RDF protocol query via GET and SD retrieval

On Oct 6, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Chime Ogbuji wrote:

> While porting over my implementation of the SPARQL 1.1 RDF protocol, I noticed that the language in the Service Description specification about how a service description document is dereferenced is a bit ambiguous.
> "SPARQL services made available via the SPARQL Protocol should return a service description document at the service endpoint when dereferenced using the HTTP GET operation" 
> Whereas the SPARQL 1.1 RDF Protocol document says:
> "Protocol clients may send protocol requests via the HTTP GET method. When using the GET method, clients must URL percent encode ( all parameters and include them as query parameter ( strings with the names given above"
> Under the query string parameters column for this binding it says: "query (exactly 1)". 
> Unless I've missed text elsewhere that clarifies this, reading both as they are written begs the question about whether a query via GET binding request SHOULD return an SD document. My assumption is that the distinction is between a GET request to the service endpoint *without* a query parameter versus a request *with* this parameter - returning an SD document if the query parameter is not provided.
> This distinction should be made explicit. Some suggested text (in SD specification):
> "[...] should return a service description document at the service endpoint when dereferenced using the HTTP GET operation without any query parameter strings provided"

I agree that the language here could be made better by being more specific. In looking this over, I also noticed that the terminology between the two documents has drifted a bit (which is a bit embarrassing since I edited both). SD says:

A SPARQL [Protocol] service is commonly referred to as a "SPARQL endpoint".

while Protocol has two different definitions for "Service" and "Endpoint":

SPARQL Protocol service
An HTTP server that services HTTP requests and sends back HTTP responses for SPARQL Protocol operations. The URI at which a SPARQL Protocol service listens for requests is generally known as a SPARQL endpoint. (Also known as: service)

SPARQL endpoint
The URI at which a SPARQL Protocol service listens for requests from SPARQL Protocol clients.

Does anyone (esp. chairs) think fixing this before the upcoming publication would be a problem (or perhaps it's something that could be fixed post-publication)? I don't think fixing this is a substantive change as I believe the spec text, examples, and tests are all pretty clear about what is meant, but certainly don't want to cause problems for anyone who thinks otherwise.


Received on Monday, 8 October 2012 16:40:57 UTC