Re: Today's telecon

Unfortunately I have now always a conflicting university meeting on
Tuesday. Usually I skip the university ones in favor of SPARQL, but
every four weeks and also today, is a more importnant one. I'll be
able to follow on IRC.

I am just now finishing my review of the Query spec (Sec. 18 and
onwards). I have several comments already, but all of them minor. I
really hope I can finish the review tonight.

Best regards,


On 13 December 2011 06:43, Lee Feigenbaum <> wrote:
> Our goal is to vote as many of our documents as possible to last call NEXT
> WEEK on December 20.
> That means today is devoted to identifying exactly what needs to be done and
> by whom to get that done.
> Same bat time, same bat channel.
> Lee

Jun. Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm            Tel.:    +49 731 50 24125
Inst. of Artificial Intelligence         Secr:  +49 731 50 24258
University of Ulm                         Fax:   +49 731 50 24188
D-89069 Ulm                     

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 14:35:54 UTC