Re: SPARQL 1.1 Query Review Part 1

On 2011-12-07, at 13:11, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 06/12/11 22:53, Steve Harris wrote:
>>>> "[...] In aggregate queries and sub-queries variables that appear
>>>> >>  in the query pattern, but are not in the GROUP BY clause cannot be
>>>> >>  projected nor used in project expressions." I would add a comma after
>>>> >>  "GROUP BY clause"
>>> >
>>> >  Done
>>> >
>>>> >>  I don't think this is correct. I can select expressions with aggrated
>>>> >>  variables that are not grouped:
>>>> >>  SELECT (SAMPLE(?x) AS ?y) { ?x :p ?z } GROUP BY ?z
>>> >
>>> >  @@Steve
>> I believe that's as the group intended.
> I think Birte's point is that SAMPLE(?x) uses a variable in a select expression, but it's not GROUP BY'ed.
> As currently worded, that's not allowed.

We have:

“In aggregate queries and sub-queries variables that appear in the query pattern, but are not in the GROUP BY clause cannot be projected nor used in select expressions. In order to project arbitrary expressions the SAMPLE aggregate may be used. For details see the section on Projection Restrictions.”

I could change to “nor used directly in select expressions”, does that make it clearer? I think the bit about SAMPLE makes it reasonably clear, but it could be better.

>>>> >>  "It is an error for aggregates to project variables with a name
>>>> >>  already used in other aggregate projections."
>>>> >>  Isn't it even forbidden to use any variable that is used elsewhere?
>>>> >>  SELECT (SAMPLE(?x) AS ?y) { ?x :p ?y } GROUP BY ?y
>>>> >>  would not be valid, right?
>>> >
>>> >  @@Steve
>> I'm not really sure, that seems like more of a general select expressions restriction - I thought that was allowed at one time though?
>> I guess it wouldn't hurt to reiterate if that is the case, Andy?
> Agreed - restate the condition.

OK, changed to:

“It should be noted that as per functions, aggregate expressions are required to be aliased (again, similar to the BIND clause, using the keyword AS) in order to project them from queries or subqueries. In the example above this is done using the variable ?totalPrice. It is an error for aggregates to project variables with a name already used in other aggregate projections, or in the WHERE clause.”

Is that OK? The previous para already includes a link to the projection restrictions.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Wednesday, 7 December 2011 14:11:34 UTC