RDF 1.1 / rdf:langString (test change)

RDF 1.1 will have datatypes for all literals.  Plain literals are either 
xsd;String (no lang tag) or rdf:langString (with language tag).

I've changed SPARQL's DATATYPE to reflect this.

Two tests are affected: one in SPARQL 1.0, one in SPARQL 1.1

 From SPARQL 1.0:


 From SPARQL 1.1:

I've changed if01.rq so that it records what I think is the correct 
answers but has this lost some of the intention of the test?

== Query

BASE    <http://example.org/>
PREFIX  xsd:  <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>

SELECT  ?o (if(( datatype(?o) = xsd:integer ), true, false) AS ?integer)
   { ?s ?p ?o }

== Old results
| o                 | integer |
| "123"             | false   |
| "日本語"@ja          |         |
| "english"@en      |         |
| "français"@fr     |         |
| "abc"^^xsd:string | false   |
| "def"^^xsd:string | false   |
| 7                 | true    |

== New results
| o                 | integer |
| "123"             | false   |
| "def"^^xsd:string | false   |
| "français"@fr     | false   |
| "日本語"@ja          | false   |
| 7                 | true    |
| "abc"^^xsd:string | false   |
| "english"@en      | false   |

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 11:40:23 UTC