Re: Draft response to BT-1

On 07/10/11 13:15, Steve Harris wrote:
> Comment:
> Draft response:
> - Steve

The example is a bit more complicated because it involved aggregation 
and select expressions.

An error in an aggregate is not trapped specifically by the aggregate - 
it's an error.  In the example it's because the select expression that 
you get an unbound.

SELECT ( 1/0 AS ?x ) {}


| x |
|   |

this then explains the second point: ?c can be bound if AVG is an error 
because the AVG error is handled in SELECT expressions.

    ( COALESCE(SUM(?a),"error") AS ?x )
    (SUM(?a) AS ?y )
{ BIND ("abc" AS ?a) }


| x       | y |
| "error" |   |

and then HAVING( aggregate error ) is just like a FILTER and error.


Received on Friday, 7 October 2011 14:27:05 UTC