Re: Service or graph store naming.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Andy Seaborne
<> wrote:
>> sd:defaultDatasetDescription a owl:FunctionalProperty

> ?? It can't be functional in all cases - suppose the dataset description is
> rather minimal.

I'm not sure what you mean.  I guess the question I was posing with
that axiom is if it is the case that every service (SPARQL RDF
protocol service or Dataset HTTP Protocol service) 'manages' one and
only one graph store or RDF dataset.

> And the domain of sd:defaultDatasetDescription is sd:Service and we might
> have several services.

Ok, but can any of them be associated with more than one dataset or graph store?

> Can we have multiple service descriptions (query, update,
> RESTDatasetService) in one description? If so, which URL gets that
> description?

I wouldn't think so.  I've assumed that each service description
document has only one sd:Service instance and (incorporating what
Gregg said about the way the sd:url property is used), the service URL

  { ?SERVICE a sd:Service FILTER(isUri(?URL)) } UNION { ?ALIAS sd:url ?SERVICE }

-- Chime

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2011 21:59:45 UTC