Re: SERVICE tests available

On May 23, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Carlos Buil Aranda wrote:

> Dear all,
> I uploaded a set of tests for SERVICE. This is for ACTION-274. 

I'm assuming no one has run these tests yet because there are syntax errors in the manifest and in one of the result files, and as far as I can tell there's no way to tell from the manifest which qt:data file is meant to be available through which endpoint. The manifest's mf:entries lists 4 tests which don't have corresponding manifest information. Also, the tests are listed as dawgt:Approved, though I don't think we've actually approved them yet.

Here's an example from the manifest:

:b1 rdf:type mf:QueryEvaluationTest ;
    mf:name    "" ;
    dawgt:approval dawgt:Approved ;
         [ qt:query  <service01.rq> ;
           qt:data   <data01.ttl> ;
		   qt:data   <data01endpoint.ttl> ] ;
    mf:result  <service01.srx> .

From reading the query and expected results, I can tell that the RDF in <data01.ttl> is meant to be loaded into the local dataset, and <data01endpoint.ttl> is meant to be "available" via the endpoint <>. I think we will need new manifest vocab terms to indicate this (or we might be able to repurpose some of the service description terms...).

As a first attempt, I'll suggest something like this:

:service1 rdf:type mf:QueryEvaluationTest ;
	mf:name    "SERVICE test 1" ;
	dawgt:approval dawgt:NotClassified ;
	mf:requires mf:BasicFederation ;
	mf:action [
		qt:query  <service01.rq> ;
		qt:data   <data01.ttl> ;
		qt:serviceData [
			qt:endpoint <> ;
			qt:data     <data01endpoint.ttl>
	] ;
	mf:result  <service01.srx> .

This allows associating qt:data (and qt:graphData) to a specific endpoint for a test. I've also added an mf:requires triple indicating that basic federation support is required, added an mf:name, and renamed the test IRI (if we're going to use IRIs and not blank nodes, my preference is for IRIs that are slightly more useful than "b1").



Received on Thursday, 9 June 2011 21:45:15 UTC