Re: while we are rechartering.... (csv)

On 1 Jun 2011, at 15:09, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> Sandro : +1
> Bijan: Is this CSV "ready to go" enough?
> 4Store [1] has TSV, Jena/ARQ [2] and Redland [3] have support for CSV and TSV formats.
> The CSV format is pragmatic and lossy - the terms are printed without syntax stuff so URIs don't have <>, literals are the lexical form, without quotes, and any quoting is purely for CSV reasons.
> CSV:
> One row of variable names, without the "?"
> Then rows of strings and numbers.
> No lang tags or datatypes on literals, no markers to tell strings and
> URIs apart.
> End of line is \r\n as required by RFC 4180

Yes, almost certainly.

> The TSV format is lossless so you do get <http://example/> and "foo"@en, 123 etc etc  It can be read back in as a result set without loss.
> The first row is variable names with ?
> Then rows of RDF terms in SPARQL/Turtle format.
> Literals have quotes, and lang tags/datatypes are added.
> URIs have <> round them.

The main advantage for use is this would be more compact and probably a bit easy to munge into regular CSV. I don't know if that would be such a huge win that we'd actually use it, but I'd have to ask around.


Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2011 15:34:16 UTC