Re: SPARQL protocol and HTTP Update : HTML file upload

On 25/11/10 10:40, Steve Harris wrote:
> On 2010-11-25, at 10:16, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> HTML form file upload is a POST of multipart/form-data [RFC1867].  For most current browsers, it can contain a single file and some other parameters.  The protocol allows multiple files.
>> Is this in/out scope for the SPARQL protocol and SPARQL HTTP Update?
>> It would be good for standard, documented behavior here.  What is needed is:
>> 1/ Note that the 2 specs do apply to multipart/form-data
>> 2/ Define it so every content-disposition: filename= means load
>>    as per POST for each of the SPARQL protocols.
> This seems sensible, I see filename= as problematic though, as we really need a URI in there for it to be useful.

filename is part of RFC1867 and is supplied by the browser.

As the content-type is often application/octet-stream, it can be useful 
for determining the syntax. :-)

I have a prototype that adds a form field named-graph-uri (same name as 
SPARQL query protocol, different meaning).  If it's "", absent or 
"default" it means the default graph.

Would that be what you want?  Tricky for more than one file but we could 
just restrict ourselves to one file for some text.

1/ Note that the 2 specs do apply to multipart/form-data
2/ Define it so every content-disposition: filename= means load
    as per POST for each of the SPARQL protocols.
3/ Define a form field "graph-uri"


Received on Thursday, 25 November 2010 14:46:23 UTC