Re: SPARQL WG Agenda, Tues. Nov. 9, 2010


On 10 Nov 2010, at 02:51, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> Minutes for our short meeting:
> [[
> 2. update shortcuts
> LeeF:
> Summary: slight preference in today's group for including shortcuts - motivation is ease of use of language, ease of optimization

Is that a formal OK from the group or do we need a vote on that in next telco. ? (as many people were not attending the call)


> 3. grouping by expressions
> LeeF:
> for next week: PROPOSED: The GROUP BY clause can include expressions with or without AS aliases. These aliases can be re-used in the HAVING clause and query result clause
> ]]
> 	Andy

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 05:16:47 UTC