Glitter implements that, though I need to update the syntax for SEPARATOR.


On 9/19/2010 7:17 PM, Axel Polleres wrote:
> It seems DISTINCT might be quite important for GROUP_CONCAT ...
> I was just playing with the following use case
> Data:
> @prefix ex:<>  .
> @prefix foaf:<>  .
> ex:alice a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Alice Wonderland";
>             foaf:nick "Alice", "The real Alice".
> ex:bob a foaf:Person;
>         foaf:name "Robert Doe", "Robert Charles Doe", "Robert C. Doe";
>         foaf:nick "Bob","Bobby","RobC","BobDoe".
> ex:charles a foaf:Person;
>         foaf:name "Charles Charles";
>         foaf:nick "Charlie" .
> =============
> My query should do the following:
> pick one sample name per person, plus a concatenated list of nicknames
> query, first version:
> =============
> PREFIX foaf:<>
> SELECT ( SAMPLE(?N) as ?Name)
>         ( GROUP_CONCAT(?M; SEPARATOR = ",") AS ?Nicknames )
> WHERE { ?P a foaf:Person ;
>             foaf:name ?N ;
>             foaf:nick ?M . }
> =============
> doesn't work, since the nicknames appear repeated... I suppose this is where I'd need DISTINCT, but I couldn't get that
> following version running yet with any implementation:
> =============
> PREFIX foaf:<>
> SELECT ( SAMPLE(?N) as ?Name)
>         ( GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT ?M; SEPARATOR = ",") AS ?Nicknames )
> WHERE { ?P a foaf:Person ;
>             foaf:name ?N ;
>             foaf:nick ?M . }
> =============
> My expected result for the latter query was something like:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Name               | Nicknames                                                           |
> ============================================================================================
> | "Robert C. Doe"    | "BobDoe,RobC,Bobby,Bob" |
> | "Alice Wonderland" | "The real Alice,Alice"                                              |
> | "Charles Charles"  | "Charlie"                                                           |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Does anybody have that implemented/running yet?
> best,
> Axel

Received on Sunday, 19 September 2010 23:47:29 UTC