Proposed URIs and schema for service descriptions (ACTION-51)

I've posted a brief RDFS schema to the wiki[1] as part of ACTION-51.  
There are two items in this schema that need to be addressed:

1. I define a URI for the SPARQL1.1 language (sub-languages such as  
query, update, and safe could be defined similarly) but don't have a  
definition of what rdf:type this thing belongs to. I've currently used  
sd:Language, but I'm not sure if defining this class is within the  
scope of the schema (if so, surely there's a better term than just  
"Language"), or if there's an existing Class that would be a better fit.

2. The property used to link an endpoint to a description of the  
endpoint's data is currently described (in prose) as having a range of  
a dataset. I'm wondering if anyone thinks this should be changed to  
have a range of a graph, with an optional way to provide a name for  
that graph. The underlying question here is whether the WG's  
vocabulary or an external vocabulary (VoiD) should be grouping  
(possibly named) graphs into a dataset. (Letting the external  
vocabulary do this assumes that there exists an external vocabulary  
for this -- hopefully the VoiD folks would be accommodating of this  



Received on Thursday, 9 July 2009 17:42:51 UTC