Comments on DerviceDescriptions Strawman


Greg asked for comments on the optional features yesterday, but we then
moved on in the Telco, so here are my comments:

"Several other properties would be nice to have, but more discussion
would be necessary before seriously considering these:

      * saddle:resultFormat declares acceptable mime-types that query
        results can be returned in."

Makes sense

      * "saddle:queryLanguage declares query languages the endpoint
        supports. This might fit in with the idea of subsets of SPARQL
        1.1 (query, update, safe, ...), having been previously used to
        indicate support for, e.g., both SPARQL and RDQL (less relevant
        these days)."

If we use the property to refer to 
"URIs for the SPARQL 1.1 language and its subsets (query, update,
safe, ...).", yes. Otherwise it is out of scope for SPARQL.

      * "A rdf:Property to declare supported background rules. This was
        mentioned in notes from DAWG F2F4, but it is unclear whether
        there is enough existing work to support such a property."

I guess this is a duplicate with entailment regimes.

      * "A rdf:Property to mark an endpoint as definitive. Again,
        mentioned in the DAWG F2F4 notes, but unclear usefulness w.r.t.
        granularity of the definitiveness."

Nice to have as an indicator. However, there will be no way of enforcing
this. It might cause more confusion than it avoids.


Simon Schenk | ISWeb | Uni Koblenz
Five sentences policy:

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 08:44:34 UTC