Introduction: Luke Wilson-Mawer

Role: Alternate Representative for Garlik Ltd

I am a software developer at Garlik Ltd[1].

At Garlik, I have worked almost exclusively on developing applications 
which use SPARQL to query RDF stores of various sizes, ranging from 
large clustered ones to smaller in-memory stores.

Applications I have worked on include:

   * DataPatrol[2] A commercial personal identity protection product,
     sold through partners in the financial industry which uses
     semantic technology to search users' data across an array of data
     sources, including the web.
   *[3]: An index of 10 million FOAF files, built on top
     of a large RDF store and searchable by IFP.  This project
     presented serious performance challenges, particularly with
     regards to triangulating FOAF:persons.
   * FoafBuilder[4]: An application which allows users to build and
     host their own FOAF file, built using an in-memory RDF store and
     leveraging features from the index.
   * qdos[5]: An application which measures the digital status of tens
     of thousands of users, built on top of a large RDF store.

We are keen for the working group to specify practical and intuitive 
features which are based on real use cases as much as possible.

I am best contacted via email.  My nick on the W3C IRC server will be 


Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 17:35:48 UTC