RE: [ACTION-33] Trying to sort the SPARQL/Update issues.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-rdf-dawg-
>] On Behalf Of Steve Harris
> Sent: 27 May 2009 10:41
> To: RDF Data Access Working Group
> Subject: Re: [ACTION-33] Trying to sort the SPARQL/Update issues.
> But there is also a sub-usecase (2b), where the graph URI does not
> start with the URI of the endpoint, where it gets a bit tricky. This
> is useful if you want to restore a RDF store from backups of it's RDF
> graphs, which is something we do in Garlik, then you want to be able
> to control the graph URI that the RDF data is restored to.
> Currently we use:
>    PUT

> for example to restore to But this is
> fairly ugly, and probably a little strange.
> Another option would be something like
>    PUT

> ...
> [ This could also be reused to POST in data to be appended, as POST
> has no obvious destination in its description. ]
> Logically you would also expect
>    GET

> to do something equivalent to
>    CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o }
>    WHERE {
>     GRAPH <> {
>      ?s ?p ?o
>     }
>    }
> So, how many people want something like (2) above, and how many also
> want something like (2b)?

I want 2B.  I don't like restricting the graph naming by the service endpoint.


> - Steve
> --
> Steve Harris
> Garlik Limited, 2 Sheen Road, Richmond, TW9 1AE, UK
> +44(0)20 8973 2465

> Registered in England and Wales 535 7233 VAT # 849 0517 11
> Registered office: Thames House, Portsmouth Road, Esher, Surrey, KT10
> 9AD

Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2009 11:11:26 UTC