Re: Constructing containers and collections

>>There are no current SPARQL implementations that provide a mechanism
>>that do this, to my knowledge. Does anyone on the list know differently?

In Corese we can construct a list as shown below.

a) search the elements of a list using a regular path expression and bind
the path to a $path variable (3).
b) enumerate the arcs of the path using a (special overloaded) graph
pattern on the $path variable (4).
c) group the results according to the first element of the list (6)
d) construct an arc for each arc found in the $path (1)

(1) construct { ?a ?p ?b }
(2) where {
(3)   ?x  rdf:rest*/rdf:first :: $path ?y
(4)   graph $path { ?a ?p ?b }
(5) }
(6) group by ?x


Best regards,


Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 19:27:30 UTC