timing of Tuesday's teleconference - still at 14:30 UTC

We'll have a relatively short teleconference this coming Tuesday.

Daylight savings time ends in the US this Saturday. DAWG tradition has 
been to keep the teleconference at 14:30 UTC, so unless people complain 
we'll do that.

That means that in the US, Tuesday's call will be at 9:30AM EST (vs. 
previously at 10:30AM EDT).

I'll send out an agenda on Monday - the main thing we have to do is 
approve a test or three for REDUCED.

As a reminder: if you plan to submit a testimonial in favor of SPARQL on 
behalf of your organization, please work on securing the text of the 
testimonial and the source of the testimonial as soon as you can.


Received on Friday, 2 November 2007 19:45:10 UTC