Re: comments on section 12 (and a little more)

>>>"and answer set {P1 ... Pn} " -> "and answer sequence <P1 ... Pn>"
>BGP matching returns a multiset.  Only the solution modifiers work 
>on sequences.
>"Set" is fine - can talk about the set and cardinality function. 
>The extension framework does not need to restrict cardinality for a 
>logical extension.

Yes, but the issue is that you havn't defined 'answer set' anywhere. 
Since the issues of duplicate answers are so tricky and subtle, just 
using this phrase casually leaves the reader felling a little 
insecure. (I *ought* to know what it means, but then this whole 
business *ought* to be a lot less complicated than it apparently is 
... :-)

Solution is probably to just toss in the relevant definition 
somewhere, maybe as an extension of one of the current ones, eg 
include it as an extra sentence in the answer sequence definition. (?)

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Received on Sunday, 25 March 2007 01:52:57 UTC