test schema issues


ACTION: EricP to fix test schema to match manifest with negative tests

I've been looking at the schema for tests. AndyS specifically kept
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest.n3 agnostic
to the test harness:
  mf:action rdf:type rdf:Property ;
      rdfs:comment "Action to perform" ;
      rdfs:domain	  :ManifestEntry ;
      # rdfs:range   ?? ;

http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-query.n3 also says
nothing about the range of action. By inspection, the range appears to
be something which packages a query and some data
            [ qt:query  <expr-1.rq> ;
              qt:data   <data-1.ttl> ] ;
or, in the case of the recent syntax tests, a query:
         rdf:type   mfx:TestSyntax ;
         mf:action  <syn-02.rq> ; 
         rdf:type   mfx:TestBadSyntax ;
         mf:action  <syn-bad-01.rq> ; 

This strikes me as chaotic, and potentially non-mon, depending on what
assumptions people make about the range of action.

In the interest of rigorous modeling, I propose this hierarchy:
                     /--------------/   \--------\
          SyntaxQueryTest                   ExecutedQueryTest
            /          \
PositiveSyntaxTest  NegativeSyntaxTest

  qt:action rdf:type rdf:Property ;
      rdfs:comment       "Action to perform" ;
      rdfs:subPropertyOf mf:action ;
      rdfs:range         qt:QueryTest;

and update

to change
         rdf:type   mfx:TestSyntax ;
         mf:action  <syn-05.rq> ; 
         rdf:type   mfx:PositiveSyntaxTest ;
         mf:action  [mf:query <syn-05.rq>] ; 

I'm trying to not change too many bytes here. Let me know if you think
I should be more aggressiv.e

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Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2005 14:15:34 UTC