Passing test ExprBuiltins/result-str-2.ttl relies on an xsd:integer lexical form

Passing test ExprBuiltins/result-str-2.ttl relies on a certain
interpretation of an integer in the result file result-str-2.ttl

                    rs:binding  [ rs:value    01 ;
                                  rs:variable  "v"

That 01 is parsed in cwm & n3 as xsd:integer value 1 and also the same
in Turtle & raptor.  The lexical form of this integer is "1" in both
cwm/n3, turtle/raptor (and indeed the Turtle spec says so).

As this is the result of a test, it should be changed to
"01"^^xsd:integer to preserve the lexical form portably.


Received on Thursday, 18 August 2005 13:51:21 UTC