Re: BASE IRI resolution: syntax-based normalization and/or scheme-based normalization?

Dan Connolly wrote:
> A commentor points out in
> that we're not explicit about whether section
> 6.2.2. "Syntax-Based Normalization" and/or
> 6.2.3. "Scheme-Based Normalization" of
> are applied
> to base IRIs in SPARQL. Consider this
> input data:
>   @prefix : <http://example/vocab#>.
>   :s1 :p <example://a/b/c/%7Bfoo%7D#xyz>.
>   :s2 :p <eXAMPLE://a/./b/../b/%63/%7bfoo%7d#xyz>.
> and this query:
>   PREFIX : <http://example/vocab#>
>   PREFIX p1: <eXAMPLE://a/./b/../b/%63/%7bfoo%7d#>
>   SELECT ?S WHERE { ?S :p p1:xyz }
> It seems to me that the simplest answer is that no,
> nothing gets canonicalized, and the answer is that
> ?S binds to :s2 only.
> Then re scheme-based normalization, here's another test:
>   @prefix : <http://example/vocab#>.
>   :s3 :p <>.
>   :s4 :p <>.
>   :s5 :p <>.
> query:
>   PREFIX : <http://example/vocab#>
>   PREFIX p2: <>
>   SELECT ?S WHERE { ?S :p p2:abc }
> Let's see what current DawgShows say...
> SPARQLer ( ) binds to
> s2 only in the 1st case and to s3 only in the 2nd case.

Yes, that's what I'd expect - SPARQLer will not apply scheme syntax or specific 
based normalization.

Checking the RDF recs (which predate RFC 3896)
Two RDF URI references are equal if and only if they compare as equal, character 
by character, as Unicode strings.

> Likewise the rasqal demo
> So I suggest adding those two tests to the test suites,
> and clarifying the spec: after
>  They stand for IRIs, either directly, or relative to a base IRI.
> we add
>  Relative IRIs are combined with base IRIs as per section
>  6.5.  Relative IRI References of [19], using only the
>  basic algorithm in section 5.  Reference Resolution
>  of [rfc3986], without the optional Syntax-Based Normalization
>  nor Scheme-Based Normalization.

Agreed.  I suggest adding a link to RDF concepts as well.


Received on Monday, 25 July 2005 11:36:02 UTC