## depend on WSDL/RDF mapping? ## BP: won't slow us down any more than depending on WSDL2 _:serviceA wsdl:endpoint ; wsdl:interface sl:SPARQLQuery. _:serviceB wsdl:endpoint ; wsdl:interface sl:SPARQLQuery, sl:SPARLQDiscovery. saddle:supportsDatatype xsd:integer, xsd:float. _:serviceC wsdl:endpoint ; wsdl:interface sl:SPARQLQuery, sl:SPARLQDiscovery. _:aGeoSvc sl:extensionFunctions geo:distance, algebra:rootOfQuadraticEquasion. _:evolvingSvc wsdl:endpoint ; saddle:queryLanguage [ saddle:spec ], [ saddle:spec ]. # serql, etc. _:x wsdl:endpoint ; saddle:resultFormat [ saddl:mediaType "application/sparql-results+xml"; saddl:spec ], [ saddle:mediaType "application/rdf+xml"; saddle:spec ]. _:mySvc saddle:humanInterface . # e.g. an XForm or HTML form _:factBookService saddle:dataSet <...fact-book-part-1.rdf>, <...fact-book-part-2.rdf>. _:socialNetworkingService saddle:vocabulary <...foaf/>. # this service invites queries that use predicates and classes that start with <...foaf/> (aka "in the foaf namespace") ######### # less discussed... _:zipCodeService is log:definitiveService ...; saddle:supportsDatatype xsd:integer, xsd:float, geo:Point. saddle:closedOver http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#, owl-lite ; saddle:acceptsSerializationFormat URI, URI saddle:usesOntology akt:support, akt:portal, akt:rdfcompat, akt:inca, http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/, http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ .