Re: UC&R updated

On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 01:37:21PM -0600, Dan Connolly wrote:

> "Motivates: (do we need a WSDL req?)"
> indeed... we have one...

Excellent. My trolling elicited the response I wanted. I *thought* we
had one but wasn't sure. I will add it and check-in soon.

> Hm... the sorting use case doesn't use limit... if you don't
> use limit, you might as well sort the results after you get them, no?
> It seems to me that the use case should be a "give me the 1st N
> items..." use case in order to motivate sorting in the query engine.
> Not critical, though.

I will add that wrinkle. I don't think it's a problem as-is, though.

> I'm inclined to publish this UC&R document soon... it seems to me
> that we earlier set a signal that our requirements were stable,
> but due to comments etc., we have done some significant stuff
> w.r.t. our requirements and objectives:
>   - added WSDL requirement
>   - added sorting objective
>   - we made a pretty big change w.r.t. human friendly syntax
>   - we postponed accessingCollections

Seems reasonable.

Kendall Clark

Received on Monday, 21 March 2005 19:59:45 UTC