Re: Minor Syntax issues

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 05:02:26PM +0000, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> 3/ Just OPTIONAL, not []
> (note that OPTIONAL can take a {} pattern or a plain triple pattern - 
> restricting to just {} would be OK).

Quick predication: this reminds me of the popular C typo relating if to
blocks, ie. the difference between

	SELECT ?name ?email ?phone
	WHERE (?x e:worksFor <e:companyX>)
	      OPTIONAL{(?x e:emailAddress ?email)
		       (?x e:phoneNumber ?phone)}
	SELECT ?name ?email ?phone
	WHERE (?x e:worksFor <e:companyX>)
	      OPTIONAL (?x e:emailAddress ?email)
		       (?x e:phoneNumber ?phone)

I suspect it will catch people out the same way. Not a huge problem though.

- Steve

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2005 17:12:52 UTC