giving some serious thought to namespace names (wsdlAbstractProtocol)

Briefly, for now... I can elaborate on request...

<AndyS> Is the final
resting place (namespace) for the results?  rq23 contains it in an
example - and a ref to the schema at
<DanC> ew.
<DanC> no, I expect the namespace name to change to something
like /2005/sparqlres
<DanC> the WG should decide that. hmm... why is there no issue that
covers it? ugh.
<DanC> maybe I should have done this... or at least the namespace of our
WSDL foo... under wsdlAbstractProtocol

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 17:37:46 UTC