Re: casting support

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 00:52:47 -0400, Eric Prud'hommeaux <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 11:01:40AM +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
> > > > So, I'd like a new operator CAST
> > > >   CAST(URI u, Unicode string s) returning what would be written as s^^u


> I think the only functionality we get out of casting a binding to a
> type with no defined support is the ability to compare it to another
> binding of the same type. (If there is library support for this alien
> type, then the query will only be useful on certain systems, and the
> lack of interop on the query will make interop of casting moot.) Any
> comparisons on an alien type will be strictly lexical; the same
> functionality comes of casting both to str before comparing them.
> Can you think of a query that will be interoperable if cast were added
> to the language that you can't do with casting to string? 


I had a look what XQuery says on casting

  [[The name of a constructor function is the same as the name of the
  [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition] built-in type (see
  5.1 Constructor Functions for XML Schema Built-in Types) or
  user-derived type (see 5.3 Constructor Functions for User-Defined
  Types) that is the target for the conversion, and the semantics are
  exactly the same as for a cast expression; for example,"
  xs:date("2003-01-01") " means exactly the same as " "2003-01-01"
  cast as xs:date? ".]]

However what I was thinking of was the second case, user defined
which is in 5.3:

  [[For every atomic type in the static context (See Section 2.1.1
  Static ContextXP) that is derived from a primitive type, there is a
  constructor function (whose name is the same as the name of the
  type) whose effect is to create a value of that type from the
  supplied argument. ...]


I think the crucial different from SPARQL is that XQuery allows
declarations of types, so you can tell when you have a user-defined
one versus a built-in one.  Since SPARQL doesn't, having casting for
user datatypes is not so useful.

So given there was no other interest in CAST, I withdraw the

I note though, that XQuery does say that the constructor functions
are named the same as the built-in type.  We should make that note in
SPARQL too.  Calling them constructor functions and refering to the
XQuery section would be good also.  The words in SPARQL Query
Table 11.2 at
don't mention this and it's not quite so clear in section 11.1 either.


Received on Monday, 6 June 2005 14:31:20 UTC