Re: Name of a graph? and FROM and FROM NAMED

Kendall Clark wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 05:47:32PM +0100, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>>The contract between requestor and publisher is either to use the data set 
>>described (inc protocol considerations) or to use the one the publisher 
>>advertises.  Not some hybrid or something completely different.
> Says who? Seriously, I don't like that contract, and I can think of others I
> like better. I don't see how we can decide such things by fiat. Merely
> saying "this is the contract" doesn't make it so. There are different use
> cases here, or so I've been trying to suggest.
> Plus, according to yr rendering of "the contract", I can't do any inference
> at all. None. Inference may well add triples to the dataset "described by
> the requester".
>>I am not suggesting all query services require FROM/FROM NAMED.  
> I understand that.
>>Persoanlly, I expect many services to be about querying one dataset that 
>>the publisher provides and that queries have no FROM/FROM NAMED.
> And I expect other services will be "run this query against some graphs I
> list in FROM NAMED as well as against other triples the service provides".
> Kendall Clark

Sorry - I guess I don't understand the phrase "pure query service" then.

I understood it as a service which answered the query as sent (hence no 
service-default dataset).  So if a query does not use FROM/FROM NAMED, or the 
protocol does not have default-graph-uri/named-graph-uri, then the query can't 
be performed.  The query request was complete in itself.

You obviously didn't mean that.
Could you expand on the term please?


Received on Friday, 3 June 2005 17:54:49 UTC