Re: test cases for fromUnionQuery, please

On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 12:07:46PM -0500, Dan Connolly wrote:
> So I was almost prepared to put the question ala:
>   address fromUnionQuery ala
>   1.367 plus multiple FROMs allowed 
> but I didn't put the question because discussion of other designs
> didn't seem to be done. We ran out of time in the teleconference,
> but now that I think about it, this design seems quite mature and
> I wonder how we would get the other designs to be as mature; I haven't
> seen proposed text for other designs; the 12 Oct spec didn't have
> formal definitions; I didn't realize that people thought of it
> as sharply different until today. It's understandable that other
> people are counting on Andy to work out the details, since we're
> all busy... but I think it's fair to ask for test cases.
> For each of these options, and any other designs anybody wants
> the WG to consider, would you please send a test case that
> distinguishes it from the design in the editor's draft?
> Bonus points for suggesting textual changes.
>   (0) take out GRAPH; query against one RDF graph punt SOURCE and
>    fromUnionQuery issues
>   (1) address fromUnionQuery ala
> 1.367 plus multiple
>    FROMs allowed
>   (1b) ala 1 but with no FROM/FROM NAMED in the QL, only in the protocol
>   (2) use 12 Oct design
>   (2b) ala PatH: bg graph always contains (vs is) the (er... something)
>   (3) ala Yoshio, no implicit dataset; all data to be queried
>   is specified in the query
> I'll give a few:
> for (0), take out section "7 RDF Dataset" and "8 Querying the Dataset"
> and "9 Specifying RDF Datasets" and cauterize dangling references;
> similarly for the protocol spec. As for a test case, take all the SOURCE
> tests and mark them as illegal syntax.
> For (1), here's a test case that clarifies how multiple
> FROMs work:
>   SELECT ?who FROM <u1> FROM <u2> FROM <u3>
>    WHERE { ?who foaf:knows :fred, :wilma, :barney }.
>  <u1> has { :bambam foaf:knows :fred }
>  <u2> has { :bambam foaf:knows :wilma }
>  <u3> has { :bambam foaf:knows :barney }
> I don't think (1b) has much/any support.
> For option (2), I'm starting to understand how it's interestingly
> different, but I'm not sure I have my finger on it. Would EricP
> or SteveH or somebody please sketch a test case that makes the
> difference crisp?
> Also, Andy, can you take TimBL's comment
> and extract a test case that shows how the difference
> between the 12 Oct design and what TimBL is asking for?

I took at stab at this with the predjudice that they were not different:

Tim's example 0, source of inferred graphs (note the 'J'):

  document foo.rdf :
	mary  foaf:phone   1234 .
  document bar.rdf :
	mary  owl:sameAs   maryJ .
  graph _:x :
	maryJ foaf:phone   1234 .

named graph query:
	GRAPH  ?s {  maryJ   foaf:phone   ?y } .
	?s inferredFromRule ?r

source (12 -Oct) query:
	SOURCE ?s {  maryJ   foaf:phone   ?y } .
	?s inferredFromRule ?r

Tim's example 2 is, I think, getting at trust chains. I couldn't quite
work out what he was saying SPARQL should be able to do, so I'm
re-expressing examples from
in the hopes that they are at least nearby:


named graph and source queries are the same:
  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr
    LOAD d:bobsBills
   WHERE {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount .
		?check f:reference ?refStr }


named graph:
  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr
    LOAD INTO d:bobsBills
   WHERE { GRAPH d:bobsBills {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount .
		?check f:reference ?refStr } }

  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr
    LOAD d:bobsBills
   WHERE { SOURCE d:bobsBills {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount .
		?check f:reference ?refStr } }


named graph:
  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr
    LOAD INTO a:bobsBills h:Bob
   WHERE { GRAPH d:bobsBills {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount } .
	    GRAPH j:Bob {
		?check f:reference ?refStr } }

  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr
    LOAD a:bobsBills h:Bob
   WHERE { SOURCE d:bobsBills {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount } .
	    SOURCE j:Bob {
		?check f:reference ?refStr } }

Both have the capacity to have more complex trust chains:

named graph:
  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr ?venue
    LOAD INTO my:trusts a:bobsBills h:Bob z:events
    LOAD z:events
   WHERE { GRAPH <my:trusts> {
		<I> my:trustWriter ?checkWriters .
		<I> my:trustCounter ?beanCounter } .
	   GRAPH ?checkWriters {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount } .
	   GRAPH ?beanCounters {
		?check f:reference ?refStr } .
	   GRAPH <z:events> {
		?event z:happenedAt ?refStr } .
	   ?event venue ?venue } # venue data not secure

  SELECT ?payee ?amount ?refStr ?venue
    LOAD my:trusts a:bobsBills h:Bob z:events
   WHERE { SOURCE <my:trusts> {
		<I> my:trustWriter ?checkWriters .
		<I> my:trustCounter ?beanCounter } .
	   SOURCE ?checkWriters {
		?check f:payTo ?payee .
		?check f:amount ?amount } .
	   SOURCE ?beanCounters {
		?check f:reference ?refStr } .
	   SOURCE <z:events> {
		?event z:happenedAt ?refStr } .
	   ?event venue ?venue } # venue data not secure

> For (3), we one degenerate test case that distinguishes it
> from rq23 is the 1st example in the spec:
> SELECT ?title
> WHERE  { <>
> <> ?title }
> that becomes illegal. Some specification of the data
> to query is required; so the "hello world" example
> would change to semething like:
> SELECT ?title FROM <books.rdf> WHERE { ?book dc:title ?title }.
> That seems like a significant change in direction, so
> I'd like to see explicit support from several WG members
> before we explore it further.
> Other things that become illegal in this design are answers
> that come from beyond the graphs given in the query. I doubt
> that can be expressed in our current test harness, but I suppose
> we could figure out some way to do it.


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