Re: UNSAID - two test cases wrote:
> Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>Turning into a test case:
>>== Data 1:
>>@prefix : <> .
>>:x a :foo .
>>:x a :bar .
>>:y a :bar .
>>== Query 1:
>>PREFIX : <>
>>WHERE (?r rdf:type ?type)        # Get all the things with a type
>>       UNSAID (?r rdf:type :foo)
>>== Result Set 1:
>>| r  |
>>| :y |
> not only seems to assume closed world but also assume unique names
> i.e. there is an implicit assumption that
>   :x owl:differentFrom :y.
> and unless that is stated explicitly, I can't and want make
> such result
> also still think it would be more explicit to say
>   UNSAID <in-which-graph> ( triple )

This happens anyway in the untrusted graph proposal:

UNSAID { pattern } would be in the default KB.

SOURCE <uri> { UNSAID { ..pattern.. } }

would be in the graph named <uri>.

There isn't a case of an indeterminant case in the untrsted graph proposal 
(I hope!).


> hm.. now realize that my implementation of UNSAID using
> log:notIncludes has to be much improved.. not sure if
> it will succeed..

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:07:03 UTC