Re: variables prefix - ?variable vs. $variable

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, Kendall Clark wrote:

> this *kind* of consideration. Yes, Java is an important implementation
> platform; but this seems an awful reason *by itself* to use something

It is more the general case of *DBC connectors carrying some sort of SQL;
regardless of language.

Right now in SQL, and its derivatives, the '?' ised used for parameterized
queries with a lot of global and local variable connotations which are
substitued at run time. We are using it slightly different in our case.

Simply avoiding it confuses the developers less; makes the learning curve
easier and costs us nothing at this stage. Apart from less confusion it
-also- allows for a very clean migration using exisitng *DBC connectors.


Received on Tuesday, 31 August 2004 13:02:36 UTC