Minutes of Minutes of RDF DAWG telcon 2004-04-15 for review

RDF Data Access WG telcon

2004-04-015 15:30 UTC




IRC chat notes



1. convene, take roll, review record, agenda


Present: Dan Connoly, Jean-François Baget, Stephen Harris, Andy
Seaborne, Pat Hayes,  Bryan Thompson, Kevin Wilkinson, Howard Katz, Dave
Beckett, Janne Saarela, Kendall_Clark, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Jos de Roo


Regrets: Patrick Stickler, 


Next meeting 2004-04-22: Face 2 face, Leiden


Minutes of RDF DAWG telcon 2004-04-08


ACCEPTED as a true record of our previous meeting, 8 Apr.




2. Use Cases and Requirements document [1]

[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/UseCases



ACTION KendallC: best-effort update of UseCases by 15 or 16 April

      "some progress, more text" come to the meeting with the document

      More use cases? Still looking through the archives

No exhaustive, use cases that I really like

Normalize vocabulary for requirements

Rob: question about OWL use case [?]

How to extend RDF with other W3C tech?

Danger: requirements linked to arbitrary examples

Interest: Real world Domains, tools for developers



Bryan Thomson wants to talk about use cases motivating protocol


is a protocol usecase, opposed to query use cases


Eric Prud'hommeaux. When will the "prose" in documents be put in "real"

Initial RDF is fixed.

Document: RDF Graphs for a wide audience

Need Query against some triples

Some people have done something about it, no group as a whole

Diagrams, graphs vs raw RDF/XML


ACTION EricP: Send mail to public-rdf-dawg about


3. Amsterdam meeting agenda
        see http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ftf1


Need info on how to go there

Also, listing of availables hotels

Logistics page?

Titles of presentations

Strictly 10mn / pres

Eliminate crash course on RDQL?

Know the number in advance for phone to the meeting

F2F schedule?

Proposals to host next F2Fs (date and airport)




Jean-François Baget


INRIA Rhône-Alpes


Tel: 04 76 61 53 27


Received on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 17:08:12 UTC