On 16/06/12 03:30, Jesse Jones wrote:
> [159]	PN_LOCAL	  ::=  	(PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] | PLX ) ( ( PN_CHARS | '.' | PLX )* ( PN_CHARS | PLX ) ) ?>
> Am I correct in assuming that the ? is oddly placed (none of the other usages of ? have a space before the question mark) and that the>  should not appear at all (it's not written using the literal syntax and doesn't appear to be a valid meta-character)?
>    -- Jesse

In the current editors draft, ">" has been fixed:

[168]  PN_LOCAL  ::=

(PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] | PLX ) ( ( PN_CHARS | '.' | PLX )*  ( PN_CHARS | 
PLX ) ) ?

The ? is in the right place, making the chars after the first optional.

-- first char
(PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] | PLX )

-- rest
any number of intermediate chars and a final char, or none at all (hence 
the ?)

( ( PN_CHARS | '.' | PLX )*
   ( PN_CHARS | PLX )
) ?

stops the last character being a '.'


Received on Sunday, 17 June 2012 17:43:43 UTC