LC comments on 'Serializing SPARQL Query Results in JSON'


I've been asked by Axel to give LC comments on 'Serializing SPARQL Query
Results in JSON' [1] - here we go:

+ My overall impression is that there is a tacit assumption that one is
familiar with 'SPARQL Query Results XML Format' [2] in order to understand
and use [1]. If so, please state it explicitly and loudly in the beginning.

+ The document starts with an example (right after the sentence 'SPARQL
variable binding and boolean query results may be serialized in JSON') that
is not only highly repetitive in itself but also inconsistent with the other
examples throughout the document. It's a short document, so can you have
*one* example throughout?

+ The section '3.1 Variable Binding Results' has issues, IMHO: 'Blank Node
label I' needs more explanation; as it stands it's not self-contained. Also
the para after 'No binding' would benefit from a bit more attention to
detail (incl. Examples).

+ Appendix A, the document registers a media type:
The Internet Media Type / MIME Type for the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format
is "application/sparql-results+json".

Is this reality? I know that some (incl. OpenLink, etc.) do send this, but
how far spread is this?

+ Appendix B - References: I don't understand why JSON is not normative ATM.
I hence suggest to only use for JSON and
make it normative (if you need to, then use as informative
reference, additionally).

Overall, hope these comments help and looking forward to see this document
going REC Track soon.



Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 10:52:10 UTC