Re: Another attempt...

On 25/03/2008, Seaborne, Andy <> wrote:
> In [2008Mar/0013] there is a complete worked example with "UNION {}" and it shows how the results are obtained by referencing the SPARQL specification at each step.  The purpose of the example in [2008Mar/0013] is so we can find the first point of difference or first point where pre-requisite knowledge [2008Mar/0029] is used.

Here are a list of my suggestions.

Renaming Ù0 to Ù1 and Ù0 becomes:
"Write Ù0 for the multiset consisting of no mappings, with cardinality
0.  It's not expressible in SPARQL syntax.  It is the UNION identity."

The definition of Ù1 (currently Ù0):
"Write Ù1 for the multiset consisting of exactly the empty mapping ì0,
with cardinality 1. This is the join identity, it is the empty graph
pattern and as a solution mapping it is represented as { {} }".

If you don't like having Ù0 it doesn't matter - please consider the
new definition of Ù1 (the old Ù1) separately.

Maybe make it clear that in SPARQL:
* X JOIN Ù1 = X and X UNION Ù0 = X but that
* X UNION Ù1 != Ù1 and X JOIN Ù0 != Ù0.

Another confusion with UNION in the SPARQL specification was the
difference between it and the Perez paper - set union not multiset/bag
union.  The specification switches between multiset and set union when
one definition would've done.  But I think that's probably outside the
scope of the changes.

Other changes not related to UNION.

I'd also change in 12.3:
"Two solution mappings ì1 and ì2 are compatible if, for every variable
v in dom(ì1) and in dom(ì2), ì1(v) = ì2(v)."

Again, maybe add the stuff from the Perez paper about two disjoint
domains and ì0 being compatible with everything - much less to derive
- I was doing set membership instead (as that is what occurs in
relational JOIN) - which seems very dumb now but it wasn't clear at
the time - I haven't been able to misinterpret the Perez paper in the
same way.  Using "for every" is a standard but maybe "for all" makes
it a bit more clear.

>  In [2008Mar/0015] you said of that example:
> """
>  It simple to evaluate you don't need any
>  steps if you are UNIONing the identity for JOIN.
>  """
> I can't find mention of this - which text in the definition of the evaluation of UNION does this refer to?  (For quick reference: the specification gives the definition for union of two solution multi-sets at [1]; the join identity is the multiset {{}}, cardinality 1. (sec 12.3) - I can work through that point if that would help.)

This refers to my completely made up definition which had to abide by
incorrect definitions of Ù0, identities and compatibility based on
previous notions about relations and misunderstanding the

>  If you are raising a test case against the text of the specification, could you work through the example in [2008Mar/0013] so we can identify the step or steps where you differ from the description in that message.

I think we now agree on the results of your example.

Here are 5 extra tests that I'm suggesting to add.  This hopefully
clarifies and makes normative the specification from the test suite.
Hopefully my results are understandable - I haven't used a standard

Test 1
This test is to show that in the empty graph pattern (5.2.1) is the
JOIN identity (12.3) as mentioned at the end of 12.3.1.

 :a :b :c .
 :x :y :z

SELECT * WHERE { { ?s ?p ?o } . {} }

( [ ?s = :a, ?p = :b, ?o = :c ],
  [ ?s = :x, ?p = :y, ?o = :z]

Test 2
This is to show that UNION of a graph and the empty graph pattern
returns all the elements in the graph plus one extra result (ì0).

 :a :b :c .
 :x :y :z

SELECT * WHERE { { ?s ?p ?o } UNION {} }

( [ ?s = :a, ?p = :b, ?o = :c ],
  [ ?s = :x, ?p = :y, ?o = :z],

Test 3
This is to show that UNION is a multiset UNION and two empty graph
patterns gives two extra results (two ì0).

 :a :b :c .
 :x :y :z

SELECT * WHERE { { ?s ?p ?o } UNION {} UNION {} }

( [ ?s = :a, ?p = :b, ?o = :c ],
  [ ?s = :x, ?p = :y, ?o = :z],

Test 4
This is to show that compatibility in SPARQL is universal
quantification (12.3 "Compatible Mappings") and that two disjoint
domains results in a cross product.

 :a :b :c .
 :x :y :z

SELECT * WHERE { { ?s ?p ?o } . { ?a ?b ?c } }

( [ ?s = :a, ?p = :b, ?o = :c, ?a = :a, ?b = :b, ?c = :c ],
  [ ?s = :a, ?p = :b, ?o = :c, ?a = :x, ?b = :y, ?c = :z ],
  [ ?s = :x, ?p = :y, ?o = :z, ?a = :a, ?b = :b, ?c = :c],
  [ ?s = :x, ?p = :y, ?o = :z, ?a = :x, ?b = :y, ?c = :z]

Test 5
Negative syntax test.

SELECT ?x WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2008 18:00:36 UTC