Re: Add Unique URIs for N-Quads, TriG and RDF/JSON

On 27/10/16 15:35, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> * Andy Seaborne <> [2016-10-27 14:42+0100]
>> On 19/10/16 14:30, Benjamin Young wrote:
>>> Hey Gavin (et al),
>>> I’ve found that the `application/trig` media type was registered with IANA.
>> "was not"?
> The template is at <>.

All the missing ones have the necessary text in their respective specs.

>> I don't see these either:
>> application/n-triples

>> application/n-quads
>> application/sparql-update
>> application/sparql-results+json

i.e. the RDF 1.1 and SPARQL 1.1 mediatypes.

> There's also app/rdf+json per
> <> but it's only a partial
> registration form. On one hand, it's not commonly used, on the other,
> it would be a bummer to have someone else use the same media type for
> something else.
> These are all in application/. N3 and Turtle are in text/.

They were registered by W3C pre RDF 1.1.

> I guess
> it's too late to fix that unless we want to republish the RECs.
> (I feel like my name got in some template somewhere and now it pops
> up in every media type request.)

So who should it be these days?


> <> has:
>   application/
>     ld+json
>     rdf+xml
>     sparql-query
>     sparql-results+xml
>   text/
>     n3
>     turtle
>>> Would there be any objections to my copying and pasting the contents from the spec [1] into the IANA registration form [2] and getting that completed?
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> Also, it would be best (perhaps) if someone else where the “Contact Person” for the format--so I’d need a volunteer (it’s optional, though, so it doesn’t need to block things).
>> From what I remember, the contact name would be the W3C person
>> responsible for IANA relations.
>>     Andy
>>> Currently, working with mime detection/db processing with TriG files fails, and it would be most helpful if that weren’t the case. :)
>>> Thanks!
>>> Benjamin
>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Peter Ansell < <>>wrote:
>>>> The W3C editors draft for TriG [5] attempted to synchronize it with
>>>> Turtle, removing its unique media-type and file extension, but it isn't
>>>> included in the current Turtle draft so people are still supporting the
>>>> original specification
>>> The current editors draft of TriG can be found at
>>>  which was
>>> published as a FPWD at  the WG intends to keep a
>>> separate media-type for TriG.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Gavin

Received on Friday, 28 October 2016 08:56:22 UTC