Re: RDF's relative IRI resolution is ambiguous

On Sep 3, 2015, at 10:36 AM, Ruben Verborgh <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've added some more tests at the gist:
> I am now also happy to report that N3.js passes all of them:
> I'd appreciate if you could help verify whether the cases in the gist are indeed correct;
> if so, then I'll release N3.js 0.4.4 with correct IRI resolution.

Hi Ruben.

I’m still concerned that there are issues with some of the tests in the gist. I see you changed some of the tests I mentioned, but didn’t change or comment on others. Some of the new additions are also concerning to me. I haven’t had time to go through these in detail again, but here’s a list of my concerns (with my intuition of what should be produced but isn't):

Previously mentioned:

s154 (should not include /ccc/)

New issues:

s212–s214 (should include /ccc/)
s218 (should include /ccc/)
s220–s224 (should include /ccc/)
s226–s230 (should include /bb/ccc/ or /bb/)
s238–s251 (should include /bb/ccc/ or /bb/)



Received on Thursday, 3 September 2015 18:20:02 UTC