Re: Public feedback on RDF/JSON: Proposal to align w/ W3C RDF/XML

Hi Dave,

Thank you. I've been happy to see the progress with JSON-LD. For a 
number of years we've had to use our own JSON formulation for production 
because of the lack of a W3C rec re JSON and OWL. Our systems run 
transaction-time DL reasoning on SSWAP OWL Semantic Web Services. See, [particularly], and http:/ The work is 
funded by the National Science Foundation.

I do believe that some study of my proposal for RDF/JSON shows it to 
address a suite of issues relevant to its design in what is at its core 
a simple and tight model, but if that discussion is closed, then at 
least it stands in the public record.


On 5/17/13 9:13 AM, David Wood wrote:
> Hi Damian,
> The RDF WG held substantial discussions regarding various designs for
> RDF in JSON in the first half of 2011. The discussions are well
> documented both in our mailing list and on our wiki. We decided roughly
> a year later (May/June 2012) to proceed with JSON-LD due to the success
> of that community group's activities and implementations. One might note
> that take up of JSON-LD from third parties has been solid (e. g.
> Google's GMail announcement yesterday).
> The only JSON item in our plate this late in the WG's charter is whether
> to write a Note (not a Recommendation) on RDF/JSON. That's it. We will
> not be accepting new design proposals at this time, although a future
> working group might consider your proposal.
> Regards,
> Dave
> (Chair hat *on*)
> --
> On May 17, 2013, at 7:27, Peter Ansell <
> <>> wrote:
>> On 17 May 2013 09:10, Damian Gessler <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     This is discussion is long, but hopefully offers constructive
>>     comment for RDF/JSON. It is submitted as an email per directions
>>     at
>> <>.
>>     The model proposed here addresses untyped literals, typed
>>     literals, resources (URIs and bnodes), QNames (including reserved
>>     prefixes, user-defined prefixes, and a default namespace),
>>     preservation of XML encoding information, type declarations,
>>     comments, short-circuit parsing, and both aggregate and disbursed
>>     subject blocks. It does so with a "natural" reading of the
>>     resultant JSON that yields similarities to both N3 and RDF/XML. It
>>     is designed to be informationally lossless with respect to both
>>     RDF and RDF/XML, and can be used either as a pure RDF
>>     serialization independent of RDF/XML, or as a streaming
>>     transliteration on the large extant repository of legacy RDF/XML
>>     documents on the Web.
>>     We begin simply and pedagogically, but things will speed up:
>>     1. We ask rhetorically what we are trying to achieve with
>>     RDF/JSON. We begin with an immediate and simple JSON serialization
>>     for RDF: a serialization that preserves the core and fundamental
>>     data model of RDF (the S,P,O triple) while adding little else; viz:
>>     [
>>       [ "S", "P", "O" ],
>>       [ "S", "P", "O" ],
>>       ...
>>     ]
>>     Where S is the Subject, P is the Predicate (or Property), and O is
>>     the Object. This simple serialization can be expanded to support
>>     literal datatypes in a number of ways; e.g.:
>>     [
>>       [ "S", "P", "L" ],
>>       [ "S", "P", { "L" : "D" } ],
>>       [ "S", "P", { "R" : {} } ],
>>       ...
>>     ]
>>     for RDF Objects L (Literal) (and datatype D) and R (Resource) (URI
>>     or bnode). There are also other minor variants and syntaxes that
>>     could differentiate between untyped literals, typed literals, and
>>     resources.
>>     We will reject this serialization per se; but it is important to
>>     offer it as a "null model" because that forces us to be explicit
>>     as to why another serialization with necessarily overloaded
>>     semantics is preferable.
>>     Clearly, by not stopping at this immediate and natural JSON
>>     serialization of triples, the vision of RDF/JSON must be either
>>     implicitly, or explicitly, something other than just serializing
>>     RDF into JSON.
>>     By presenting a data model of:
>>     { "S" : { "P" : { "O" : [ ... ] } }
>>     RDF/JSON shows that it prioritizes a subject-oriented data
>>     structure of the underlying RDF data model in achieving its JSON
>>     serialization. This elegant, natural, data model has similarities
>>     to the use and adoption of N3 over N-Triples.
>>     2. We note that the goal of RDF/JSON cannot be interpreted as to
>>     translate legacy JSON -> RDF. This is because the semantics of any
>>     arbitrary, legacy, JSON document do not map to the semantics of
>>     RDF/JSON. For example, JSON arrays do not map to RDF List
>>     constructs--and indeed, nor should they, for an array is not a
>>     list (though in many cases it can be interpreted as such). Also,
>>     RDF/JSON introduces reserved keys ("type", "value", "lang",
>>     "datatype") that have implied semantics on the resultant
>>     de-serialized data models that are not recognized as such in JSON.
>>     This is not to say that one could not read legacy JSON, build an
>>     in-memory data model, and output RDF/JSON; it is to say that such
>>     an operation (arbitrary, legacy JSON -> RDF -> RDF/JSON) is
>>     outside both the goals and spec of RDF/JSON. For JSON -> RDF, see
>>     JSON-LD [1].
>>     Thus the perspective of RDF/JSON is focused on RDF -> JSON, while
>>     leveraging some of the JSON data modeling constructs. The W3C
>>     recommend serialization for RDF is RDF/XML [2]. There is a large
>>     legacy presence of RDF/XML documents on the Web, especially for
>>     OWL. Thus a desirable characteristic of a JSON serialization would
>>     be the informationally lossless transformation of RDF/XML -> JSON.
>>     This becomes a key guide for the following discussion. While
>>     RDF/JSON can position itself as solely a RDF serialization
>>     independent of others, distinct, and separate from RDF/XML, this
>>     is perhaps a missed opportunity.
>>     Alternatively, RDF/JSON could position itself as an RDF -> JSON
>>     serialization that builds upon, and is receptive to,
>>     informationally lossless transliterations of the
>>     already-recommended W3C serialization for RDF: RDF/XML. The
>>     motivation is that such an approach builds a suite of
>>     complementary W3C technologies, including various serializations,
>>     rather than a merely a collection of competing formats. Of course,
>>     RDF/JSON should also be able to stand separate and independent of
>>     RDF/XML, such that one could go RDF -> RDF/JSON -> RDF without any
>>     serialization through RDF/XML. Thus we seek both worlds.
>>     Currently, RDF/JSON is not informationally lossless with respect
>>     to RDF/XML; we note a number of difficulties:
>>     2a. QNames. RDF/JSON does not support QNames [3]. This presumably
>>     could be addressed by adding semantics on how to serialize
>>     prefixes. If RDF/JSON chooses not to support QNames then it can be
>>     still said to be informationally lossless with respect to RDF, but
>>     it cannot be said to be informationally lossless with respect to
>>     RDF/XML. This would seem to be an undesirable and unnecessary
>>     limitation.
>>     2b. Serializing. RDF/JSON binds all of a Subject's predicates, and
>>     all and each of those Predicates' Objects into a single, compound
>>     JSON object. Yet RDF/XML does not require that all statements
>>     about a Subject be together or in any one place in the document,
>>     and RDF does not require this generically for serialization. Thus
>>     RDF/JSON cannot be implemented as a streaming syntactical
>>     re-serializer directly on RDF/XML: RDF/JSON must have knowledge of
>>     the entire RDF data model, such as to know all of a Subject's
>>     predicates and their objects, before it can serialize even the
>>     first subject. This is somewhat unfortunate, since we would like a
>>     serialization spec to be independent of implementation algorithms,
>>     be they streaming or "DOM"-based. RDF/JSON's requirement that "S"
>>     be unique (for each unique Subject) is forced upon it by JSON's
>>     requirement that all keys in a JSON object be unique (but see below).
>>     2c. Parsing. RDF/JSON imposes a data model outside of RDF proper,
>>     which limits the utility of the serialization. But it is fair to
>>     say it also enhances the utility of the serialization: there is a
>>     trade-off. The elegance and "naturalness" of RDF/JSON's { "S" : {
>>     "P" : [ "O" ] } } model necessarily clusters statements about
>>     Subjects, while disbursing statements about Predicates and Objects
>>     throughout the document. I call this the "phone book" problem,
>>     where the chosen serialization of the producer limits the utility
>>     available to the consumer, even though the consumer "has all the
>>     data." In the "old days," phone books were distributed as
>>     serialized name:number pairs, sorted by name, printed on paper.
>>     The sorting produced essentially an array, such that one could use
>>     an approximate binary search to find a name amongst a million
>>     entries in a matter of seconds. The data producer (the phone
>>     company) gave the consumer both name and number, and at some level
>>     did not care whether the consumer was interested in the name,
>>     number, or both. But the serialization essentially forced the
>>     consumer to accept name:number ordered-pairs; the sorting and
>>     serialization on name biased against number:name utility. A
>>     separate serialization (called a reverse-lookup) was needed if one
>>     had a number and wanted to find its associated name. These books
>>     were usually hard to find. What is relevant here is not the old
>>     days of phone books, but to note that RDF has no such restriction.
>>     RDF does not bias Subjects over Objects, or Objects over
>>     Predicates, etc. One of the benefits of the RDF/JSON modeling is
>>     that once one is done processing a Subject, one is guaranteed that
>>     no more syntactic statements about the Subject (as a Subject, and
>>     as identified lexically by its key [i.e., not addressing the
>>     semantics of owl:sameAs]) shall be made. Thus unlike RDF/XML, a
>>     streaming parser can be implemented for RDF/JSON such that further
>>     processing of a document stream can be abandoned prior to the
>>     entire document being processed. I call this "short-circuit"
>>     parsing. But this comes at the cost that the RDF/JSON model limits
>>     the utility of the data when not consumed as intended, and in this
>>     case the "intent" is set not by the producer, but by RDF/JSON
>>     itself. One could say that RDF/JSON benefits the parser at the
>>     expense of the serializer.
>>     2d. RDF/JSON has no mechanism to retain comments ex situ of RDF
>>     (e.g., RDF/XML XML comments [<!-- -->]). This is made difficult
>>     due to JSON's lack of support for embedded comments.
>>     The proposal below addresses the above issues while keeping very
>>     much in the flavor of RDF/JSON's { "S" : { "P" : [ "O" ] } }
>>     model. It is informationally lossless with respect to both RDF and
>>     RDF/XML (supports QNames and comments); it supports streaming
>>     serialization (e.g., as a syntactical transliterator on streaming
>>     RDF/XML); and it supports streaming parsing of its own serialization.
>>     The proposal is quite simple and contains two "forms":
>>     Form 1. Guarantee that all statements about a Subject are
>>     localized in the document, thus supporting short-circuit parsing.
>>     Short-circuit guarantees are "communicated" to the parser by
>>     virtue of an opening JSON object. A parser is guaranteed that all
>>     keys of a JSON object are unique, thus when it "sees" a JSON
>>     object, it "knows" that all statements about the key are localized
>>     to the JSON object.
>>     Form 1 is very similar in structure to RDF/JSON.
>>     1a. Simple, untyped literals:
>>     {
>>       "S" : { "P" : "L" }
>>     }
>>     Examples:
>>     1a.i
>>     {
>>       "" :
>>         { "
>>     <>" : "Anna's Homepage" }
>>     }
>>     1a.ii
>>     {
>>       "" : {
>>         "
>>     <>" : [ "Anna's Homepage", "Annas
>>     hjemmeside" ],
>>         "http://anotherUniqueProperty/__p
>>     <http://anotherUniqueProperty/p>" : "L"
>>         ...
>>       }
>>     }
>>     JSON array [] constructs are required for the Object only as
>>     needed. This differs from RDF/JSON which requires Object array
>>     constructs even in cases of there being only a single Object. JSON
>>     imposes no unique value restriction for array elements.
>>     Example 1a.i shows that simple statements are "simply" serialized.
>>     The examples below will show that more complex statements are
>>     built from the application of simple rules.
>>     Example 1a.ii shows JSON arrays as RDF Objects to package multiple
>>     property instances and values.
>>     1b. Typed Literals. We note from RDF/XML that datatypes on
>>     literals are attributes on the Predicates (not on the literals
>>     themselves). In a similar manner, typed literals do not have a
>>     language, per se [4]: a language qualifier is on the Predicate.
>>     Thus we here make a simple extension that allows use to replace
>>     the literal "L" with an JSON object {} to capture arbitrary
>>     RDF/XML attribute data, with special semantics for "rdf:value"; i.e.:
>>     1b. Typed literals:
>>     {
>>       "S" : { "P" : {
>>         "rdf:value" : "L",
>>         "rdf:datatype" : "D",
>>          ...
>>         }
>>       }
>>     }
>>     Example:
>>     {
>>       "" : {
>>         "
>>     <>" : {
>>           "rdf:value" : "Annas hjemmeside",
>>           "rdf:datatype" : "
>>     <>",
>>           "xml:lang" : "da"
>>           }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     Here, rdf:value is akin to RDF/JSON "value." It and it alone is
>>     NOT an attribute on the Predicate (it is the "text content" of the
>>     equivalent XML element), but all other key:value pairs are
>>     interpreted as Predicate attributes. rdf:datatype is akin to
>>     RDF/JSON's "datatype," but there is no need to introduce a new and
>>     reserved key word: the RDF/XML attribute assumes the role immediately.
>>     This simple form--that RDF Objects are JSON Objects with a
>>     syntactical placement of RDF/XML attributes--yields an immediate
>>     and consistent extension for Objects as resources (URIs and bnodes):
>>     1c. Objects as resources (URIs and bnodes):
>>     {
>>       "S" : { "P" :
>>         {
>>           "rdf:resource" : "O",
>>           ...
>>           }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     Compound example:
>>     {
>>       "" : {
>>         "
>>     <>" : [
>>           "Anna's Homepage",
>>           {
>>             "rdf:value" : "Annas hjemmeside",
>>             "rdf:datatype" :
>>     "
>>     <>",
>>             "xml:lang" : "da"
>>           } ],
>>           "
>>     <>" : { "rdf:resource" :
>>     "" },
>>           "
>>     <>" : "_:anna"
>>         }
>>     }
>>     At first it may not seem that the above proposal differs much in
>>     substance from RDF/JSON, but it does in a number of ways. It
>>     retains the essence of { "S" : { "P" : "O" } } model, but
>>     simplifies the serialization for simple cases, and aligns more
>>     complex cases with a transliteration of RDF/XML attributes. This
>>     requires no actual knowledge of RDF as a re-serializer.
>>     The model also lends itself "naturally" to QName support [3], thus
>>     becoming closer to being informationally lossless with respect to
>>     RDF/XML. We support Qnames by noting the "xmlns" attribute on the
>>     rdf:RDF "Subject"; viz.:
>>     {
>>       "rdf:RDF" : {
>>           "xmlns:rdf"  :
>>     "
>>     <>",
>>           "xmlns:xsd"  : "
>>     <>",
>>           "xmlns:"     : "",
>>           "xmlns:dc"   : "",
>>           "xmlns:foaf" : ""
>>       },
>>       ":about" : {
>>         ...
>>       }
>>     }
>>     We bootstrap the definition of the rdf: namespace within the
>>     rdf:RDF construct. We make the implicit assumption that the token
>>     "rdf:RDF" can never itself be the valid Subject of a user-defined
>>     payload--a topic we discuss further in section 4. below.
>>     We can achieve a slight clean-up in presentation by recognizing
>>     "xmlns" as a keyword, but we do this only as "syntactical sugar"
>>     on the underlying model of XML attributes on Subject entries; e.g.:
>>     {
>>         "xmlns" : {
>>           ""     : "",
>>           "dc"   : "",
>>           "foaf" : ""
>>         },
>>       ":about" : {
>>         ...
>>       }
>>     }
>>     RDF requires that all Subjects are resources: either URIs or
>>     bnodes. Resources can be lexically written in four variants:
>>     Absolute URIs; e.g.,, urn:example:about
>>     QName with prefix (namespace); e.g., dc:title
>>     QName with reserved underscore (_) for bnode; e.g., _:anna
>>     QName with user-defined default namespace; e.g., ":myTerm"
>>     Notably, RDF does not allow relative URIs for Subjects or
>>     Predicates [5]. Thus "a", "5", "a/b/c", are all valid (relative)
>>     URIs, but are lexically illegal as RDF Subjects. Thus we note that
>>     lexically, all valid Subjects and Predicates necessarily always
>>     contain a colon (:). Thus we can unambiguously allow the keyword
>>     "xmlns" (or "@xmlns") to appear in the "S" place and overload it
>>     with special meaning as a document directive. In a similar manner
>>     we can use "?xml" to preserve record of the XML document encoding
>>     that may appear on the first line of an RDF/XML document. In so
>>     doing we are not stating that 'this' document has the encoding; we
>>     are stating that this document, if transliterated from, or to,
>>     XML, has the encoding:
>>     {
>>         "?xml" : {
>>           "version" : "1.0",
>>           "encoding" : "UTF-8"
>>         },
>>         "xmlns" : {
>>           "rdf"  : "
>>     <>",
>>           "xsd"  : "
>>     <>",
>>           ""     : "",
>>           "dc"   : "",
>>           "foaf" : ""
>>         },
>>       ":about" : {
>>         "dc:title" : [
>>           "Anna's Homepage",
>>           {
>>             "rdf:value" : "Annas hjemmeside",
>>             "rdf:datatype" : "xsd:string",
>>             "xml:lang" : "da"
>>           } ],
>>           "foaf:homepage" : { "rdf:resource" : ":anna" },
>>           "dc:creator" : "_:anna"
>>         },
>>       "_:anna" : {
>>         "foaf:name" : "Anna",
>>         "foaf:homepage" : { "rdf:resource" : "" }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     Note in the above the use of (source) doc encoding, prefixes,
>>     default namespace, QNames, absolute URIs, bnodes, untyped
>>     literals, and typed literals. This could have been serialized from
>>     an RDF data model, or transliterated syntactically from RDF/XML.
>>     Our rules are still simple and consistent: almost the same as
>>     RDF/JSON, with the extension that object "metadata" is analogous
>>     to RDF/XML attributes and bundled inside a JSON object using
>>     existing rdf: namespace predicates.
>>     Form 2. Support the disbursement of statements throughout a
>>     document, for example as applicable when stream transliterating
>>     RDF/XML -> JSON. This currently cannot be done in RDF/JSON, but is
>>     quite simple to do:
>>     [
>>       { "?xml" : {
>>           "version" : "1.0",
>>           "encoding" : "UTF-8"
>>         }
>>       },
>>       { "xmlns" : {
>>           "rdf"  : "
>>     <>",
>>           "xsd"  : "
>>     <>",
>>           ""     : "",
>>           "dc"   : "",
>>           "foaf" : ""
>>         }
>>       },
>>       { ":about" :
>>         {
>>           "dc:title" : "Anna's Homepage",
>>           "dc:creator" : "_:anna"
>>         }
>>       },
>>       { "_:anna" : {
>>         "foaf:name" : "Anna",
>>         "foaf:homepage" : { "rdf:resource" : "" }
>>         }
>>       },
>>       { ":about" : {
>>         "dc:title" : {
>>             "rdf:value" : "Annas hjemmeside",
>>             "rdf:datatype" : "xsd:string",
>>             "xml:lang" : "da"
>>           },
>>         "foaf:homepage" : { "rdf:resource" : ":anna" }
>>         }
>>       }
>>     ]
>>     (Note the repetition of :about). All the previous rules apply. We
>>     simply note that { "S" : { "P" : "O" } } used in the earlier
>>     examples was just a simplification of a larger, more encompassing
>>     model: [ { "S" : { "P" : "O" } }, { "S" : { "P" : "O" } }, ... ].
>>     This reads "naturally:" an array of JSON objects, each making
>>     statements about an RDF Subject, with no restriction that
>>     successive Subjects be unique (Because each is enclosed in its own
>>     {} construct). The embracing opening and closing JSON array []
>>     construct (Form 2) "communicates" the chosen serialization to the
>>     parser that it may NOT now assume that all statements about a
>>     given Subject are known, until it processes through the
>>     End-Of-File. If the serializer chooses to group all statements for
>>     all subjects (Form 1), then it can easily do this too by not using
>>     the opening JSON array [] construct and building JSON objects per
>>     the earlier examples above. Thus the "spec" does not bais towards
>>     parsers or serializers (it lets the producer decide). The spec
>>     supports short-circuiting for both streaming serializers and
>>     streaming parsers: just write/read the first non-whitespace
>>     character as a '[' or '{' and proceed accordingly.
>>     3. RDF/XML has short-hand notation for rdf:type statements that
>>     allows concise "declarations" at the beginning of a document.
>>     These declarations can aid parsers. For example, OWL models can be
>>     aided by knowing if a property is an owl:ObjectProperty or an
>>     owl:DatatypeProperty when it is first *used* (i.e., when it first
>>     occurs as a resource in a statement). Because the serialization of
>>     RDF does not place restrictions on the ordering within a document
>>     of resource definitions and type statements, a predicate's use may
>>     precede its declaration and definition (if any). The RDF/XML
>>     "declaration" short-hand looks like this:
>>     <owl:Class rdf:about="
>>     <>"/>
>>     <mySite:MyClass rdf:about="
>>     <>"/>
>>     <owl:DatatypeProperty
>>     rdf:about="
>>     <>"/>
>>     <owl:DatatypeProperty
>>     rdf:about="
>>     <>"/>
>>     ....
>>     and is semantically equivalent to more verbose rdf:type statements
>>     about each of the resources.
>>     Now note that the { "S" : { "P" : "O" } } construct leaves two
>>     other constructs undefined; namely:
>>       { "S" : "T" } and
>>       { "S" : [ "T", ... ] }
>>       where "T" is some text (a string).
>>     Thus we can define the use of these constructs to support concise
>>     rdf:type declarations in a manner similar to RDF/XML:
>>     {
>>       "owl:Class" : "mySite:myClass",
>>       "mySite:MyClass" : "mySite:myThing",
>>       "owl:DatatypeProperty" : [ "mySite:myDatatypeProperty",
>>     "mySite:__myOtherDatatypeProperty" ]
>>       ...
>>     }
>>     The meaning of the above is that the JSON objects (or array
>>     elements) are each rdf:type of the JSON subject. There is no
>>     ambiguity in how to interpret the above because none of the
>>     constructs are of the form "S" : { ... }. This aligns nicely with
>>     RDF/XML declarations. Full example is below in 4.
>>     4. Semantic serialization and parsing. RDF/JSON is presumably a
>>     sole RDF -> JSON serialization. It need know nothing about RDF/XML
>>     (though clearly here I advocate changing that to a tighter linkage
>>     to informationally lossless transliteration of RDF/XML). But it
>>     seems that the more that RDF/JSON differentiates itself as
>>     something more than "one more ad hoc way of representing RDF in
>>     JSON" (of which there are many such competing proposals), the more
>>     it could position itself as an important and distinct addition to
>>     the W3C toolbox.
>>     One way to do this is to more tightly embrace RDF as the
>>     underlying W3C Semantic Web technology and then use knowledge of
>>     those semantics to improve the serialization; i.e., RDF/JSON would
>>     be a "smart," semantically-aware JSON serialization of W3C
>>     Semantic Web technologies.
>>     We immediately distinguish here between "semantic serialization
>>     and parsing" and "inference." Various implicit forms of semantic
>>     parsing are already done by many parsers and interpreters--for
>>     example, a scripting language interpreter may assume from 'var x =
>>     1' that x is an integer variable, even though it has not been
>>     declared as being of that type. The goal of semantic serialization
>>     and parsing is to improve and effect the serialization and parsing
>>     while neither adding nor removing any new knowledge. For example,
>>     with semantic parsing this:
>>     {
>>       "owl:DatatypeProperty" : ":myProperty",
>>       ":mySubject" : {
>>         ":myProperty" : {
>>           "rdf:resource" : ""
>>         }
>>       }
>>     }
>>     is equivalent to, and could be replaced by, this:
>>     {
>>       "owl:DatatypeProperty" : ":myProperty",
>>       ":mySubject" : { ":myProperty" : "" }
>>     }
>>     The token "" is necessarily a resource, not
>>     a literal. The line between semantic serialization and parsing and
>>     inference is subtle. The former is concerned with preservation of
>>     explicit statements of knowledge (or their absence) while using ex
>>     situ knowledge in a manner that improves the serialization or
>>     parsing; the latter is concerned with making statements explicit
>>     that may otherwise be necessarily-true yet only implicit (not
>>     stated). Our focus is on the former. (If a serialization is
>>     missing statements, we want to preserve that absence, since the
>>     action of serialization should maintain input->output data
>>     integrity [for example, cases of purposely "broken" data models
>>     for the purpose of testing]).
>>     A side-effect of the above is that in order to support streaming
>>     parsers, the order of statements in the document can be important
>>     (e.g., in the above example, if the declaration of myProperty
>>     occurred after its assignment, then the value
>>     "" would be considered a string literal,
>>     not a resource). This can be an issue, because RDF -> RDF/XML
>>     serializers may not give users control of the ordering of
>>     statements, nor even guarantee deterministic representations on
>>     successive invocations, thus RDF -> RDF/XML -> RDF/JSON -> RDF
>>     could fail to be informationally lossless. There are ways to
>>     address this, but at a minimum semantic serialization and parsing
>>     should be carefully weighed.
>>     If we accept due diligence on a dependency of statement ordering
>>     in the document, then we can outline at least four ways to support
>>     semantic serialization and parsing:
>>     1. Recognize "rdf:RDF", "xmlns", etc. when they appear in the
>>     Subject position as document directives, not user-defined Subjects
>>     (see above).
>>     2. Predefine the xmlns namespaces rdf, rdfs, xsd, and owl (require
>>     no explicit assignments).
>>     3. Recognize the semantics of rdf:type, rdfs:range, rdfs:domain,
>>     rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:subPropertyOf, etc.: the RDF Object of those
>>     predicates must be a resource (cannot be a literal). An exception
>>     and special semantics apply when the object is an XSD datatype
>>     (e.g., "rdfs:range xsd:integer").
>>     4. Allow the preservation of ex situ RDF comments with the keyword
>>     "comment" (or "@comment" or "//" or "#"). For example, if
>>     transliterating in RDF/XML, then the comments would be
>>     re-serialized as XML comments (<!-- -->). But if translating into
>>     N3, then the comments would be re-serialized as # comments.
>>     Example:
>>     {
>>       "?xml" : {
>>         "version" : "1.0",
>>         "encoding" : "UTF-8"
>>       },
>>       "xmlns" : {
>>         ""       : "",
>>         "dc"     : "",
>>         "foaf"   : "",
>>         "mySite" : ""
>>       },
>>       "//" : "This is a comment",
>>       "rdf:Property" : [ "dc:title", "dc:creator" ],
>>       "owl:DatatypeProperty" : "mySite:aDatatypeProperty",
>>       "owl:ObjectProperty" : "mySite:hasHomepage",
>>       "owl:Class" : [ "mySite:myClass", "mySite:anotherClass" ],
>>       "mySite:aDatatypeProperty" : {
>>           "rdfs:range" : "xsd:string"
>>       },
>>       "mySite:anObjectProperty" : {
>>         "rdfs:range" : "mySite:myClass"
>>       },
>>       "mySite:anotherObjectProperty" : {
>>         "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : "mySite:anObjectProperty",
>>         "rdfs:domain" : "mySite:myClass"
>>       },
>>       ":about" : {
>>           "dc:title" : "Anna's Homepage",
>>           "dc:creator" : "_:anna",
>>           "mySite:hasHomepage" : "",
>>           "rdfs:comment" : [
>>             "This comment is an explicit property of the subject :about",
>>             "So is this one"
>>             ],
>>           "//" : [
>>             "This is not a property of the subject.",
>>             "It is equivalent to two XML comments <!-- --> within the
>>     :about element block when re-serialized as RDF/XML"
>>             ]
>>         }
>>     }
>>     I believe the above will allow the informationally lossless
>>     transliteration of thousands (millons?) of extant RDF/XML
>>     documents into RDF/JSON--though a more thorough analysis is first
>>     warranted. The mere proliferation of said documents conforming to
>>     RDF/JSON should aid in its adoption. And of course, de novo RDF ->
>>     RDF/JSON is also satisfied.
>>     Summary:
>>     There are many candidates for serializing RDF as JSON. If we want
>>     anything more than the null model of a array of triples, then we
>>     should identify the goals and prioritize the trade-offs. The
>>     proposal here attempts the following goals:
>>     1. RDF/JSON should enable RDF -> JSON serialization independent
>>     any other RDF serialization (specifically, one should be able to
>>     go directly from an RDF data model into RDF/JSON without any
>>     intervening serialization).
>>     2. RDF/JSON should be able to be implemented as a streaming
>>     re-serializer on legacy RDF/XML without the need for building a
>>     complete, in-memory RDF data model. The special attention to
>>     RDF/XML is because it is already the W3C recommended serialization
>>     for RDF.
>> I don't understand why this needs to be a goal. I also did not
>> understand how your proposal enables it, as your examples do not
>> explore the full range of legal RDF/XML document syntax trees, some of
>> which are unnecessarily complex and really do not need to be
>> replicated in any other RDF serialisation. It may be useful to be able
>> to transliterate *from* RDF/XML to something else, although the
>> usecase would be very thin, but there is no reason to be able to
>> support reserialising back to RDF/XML once you have gone away from it,
>> so you don't need to preserve the XMLisms in JSON.
>>     3. RDF/JSON should allow the enablement of short-circuit parsing,
>>     if the provider chooses to serialize content so as to support it.
>> I am a little confused as to how the format you propose, which is not
>> really the simple Talis RDF/JSON anymore after the changes, could be
>> structured to *not* support short-circuit parsing anymore. The JSON
>> model does not allow repeated keys within an object, so there is no
>> simple way to use subjects as keys in any other way and I am not sure
>> what the other alternative is from your proposal.
>> In general though, I am a little confused about the need to ever do
>> short-circuit parsing. What documents are so large that you cannot pay
>> the cost of parsing an entire document to the RDF abstract model?
>>     4. RDF/JSON should be informationally lossless with respect to
>>     both RDF and to transliterations of RDF/XML.
>> Any RDF serialisation must not be informationally lossless with
>> respect to RDF. Some serialisations support structures that cannot be
>> translated back to RDF triples (ie, any quads format, JSON-LD with
>> relaxed use of blank nodes, and N3 with its extensions), but all of
>> them are otherwise only defined based on the RDF format, not on
>> another syntax.
>> I fail to see what the benefit would be to having a consistent
>> transliteration from the huge variety of possible RDF/XML structures
>> without going through an RDF model.
>>     5. RDF/JSON should reflect a "natural" JSON representation: simple
>>     things should be "simply serialized" and complex things should be
>>     built from simple things. If one knows JSON, but doesn't really
>>     know RDF, then one should feel comfortable that JSON constructs
>>     are being used in intuitive, "natural" ways without the need for
>>     syntactic convolutions.
>> I think you would be more comfortable using JSON-LD, as it is designed
>> based on many of your goals, except for the RDF/XML transliteration
>> goal, and includes many of the features that you propose, except for
>> comments.
>>     6. As a proposed W3C recommendation, RDF/JSON should leverage RDF,
>>     RDFS, XSD, and OWL semantics when it can do so either without
>>     compromise to the above goals, or with clear and prioritized
>>     compromise (for example, identifying cases where reliance on
>>     statement ordering is acceptable).
>> Of the RDF serialisations, only N3, with its non-RDF extensions,
>> attempts to do anything other than provide a container for simple RDF
>> triples or quads.  How would your proposed format encode anything
>> above RDF triples while staying consistent with RDF?
>> Don't get me wrong, you could have a niche format for your own
>> purposes. However, I think the usecases, which heavily rely on being
>> able to represent a literal RDF/XML document in JSON, are very thin
>> and would not be of interest to many people who will simply pay the
>> cost of parsing an entire document to memory. Alternatively, parsing
>> RDF/XML to N-Triples can be done while streaming from disk to disk,
>> and sorting the document can be done easily with a fixed memory cost,
>> before parsing it and serialising to Talis RDF/JSON in a streaming
>> method. This is all possible without the legacy XML-specific
>> information that will not be practically useful to anyone using the
>> JSON document, and they will not want to preserve it, in general, just
>> to support a translation back to the exact XML document that was
>> originally used to create it.
>> Of your proposed changes to Talis RDF/JSON, the namespace extensions
>> would be of most interest to me, although I would definitely not
>> relate it to the XML QName specification which is far too limited to
>> be of any use in a modern format.
>> Prior to that, if W3C is interested in continuuing at all with
>> RDF/JSON standardisation, I will be proposing to add Graph/Quads
>> support to the specification based on the extension that Joshua
>> Shinavier made to the format for the Sesame RDF/JSON parser/writer. It
>> adds an extra "graph" key with an Array of URIs, added to the Object
>> position, and is fairly backwards compatible with the current Talis
>> RDF/JSON specification as long as parsers do not fault on the
>> unrecognised "graph" key.
>> Peter

Received on Friday, 17 May 2013 16:48:35 UTC