N-Triples - Editorial issues

I am *so* glad that a canonical n-triples format is defined!  Thank you!

Two editorial issues I notice:

1. http://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/#dfn-canonical-n-triple-document
says: "Characters MUST be represented directly and not by UCHAR."

Shouldn't that be something like: "Characters allowed directly in 
STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE MUST be represented directly and not by UCHAR." ?

2. Throughout the document, the name of the language is inconsistently 
spelled, sometimes as "N-Triples" and sometimes as "N-Triple" 
(singular).  PLEASE make the spelling consistent as "N-Triples" 
throughout.  This is more important than you may think, because 
inconsistency in the spec encourages inconsistent spellings in the wild 
among tools, which just causes unnecessary headache and wasted time for 


Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2013 22:52:36 UTC