Re: proposals for Lists and Seq (ISSUE-77)


On 20 Oct 2011, at 14:39, Sandro Hawke wrote:

 > Can you think of any way we could merge Seq and List? Have
 > well-formed sequences and well-formed lists both mappable to native
 > lists? That would work fine, except for round-tripping....

I would propose to utilise the Ordered List Ontology [1], which allows 
to model ordered lists (sequences) in a "well-formed" way (primarily; 
via indices) as well as to describe this structure in a linked list way 
(secondarily; via previous/next relations). Both variants are easily 
queryable and do not pre-label items as, e.g., a rdf:List.
Please have a look at the simple music playlist example [1] in the OLO 
specification documentation. The size of a list is explicitly specified 
via the value of the olo:length property. The position of a slot is 
explicitly specified via the value of the olo:index property.
Example queries:

1. Query by index (absolute/"sequence style"):

PREFIX olo: <>

SELECT ?item
WHERE { ?orderedlist a olo:OrderedList ;
		     olo:slot ?slot .
	?slot olo:index 1 ;
	      olo:item ?item .	

2. Query by linkage (relative/"linked list style"):

PREFIX olo: <>
PREFIX ex: <>

SELECT ?nextItem
WHERE { ?orderedlist a olo:OrderedList ;
		     olo:slot ?slot .
	?slot olo:item ex:SexMachine ;
               olo:next ?nextSlot .
	?nextSlot olo:item ?nextItem .	

Of course, I can imagine that some syntactic sugar (as it is the case, 
e.g., with lists in Turtle) could enhance the usage of this ordered list 
model as well ;)



PS: One could also specify this model, e.g., to represent playlists that 
only consist of media objects, see [3]

PPS: See also [4] :)


Received on Sunday, 30 October 2011 12:16:54 UTC