Re: Review of the the DM pre CR version (Re: Final round of Direct Mapping spec changes; please review to prepare for CR)

* Ted Thibodeau Jr <> [2012-01-24 14:39-0500]
> Hi, Juan, all --
> On Jan 24, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Juan Sequeda wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
> >> Thanks Ted. This makes it pretty clear and changes should be done. Juan?
> > 
> > Done!
> I should have read more carefully.  The *table* identifiers 
> in the INSERT statements *also* need wrapping, because they 
> were so wrapped in the CREATE TABLE statements.
> The example I quoted should now read...
> > >   CREATE TABLE "Addresses" (
> > >      "ID" INT, PRIMARY KEY("ID"),
> > >      "city" CHAR(10),
> > >      "state" CHAR(2)
> > >   )
> > >
> > >   CREATE TABLE "People" (
> > >      "ID" INT, PRIMARY KEY("ID"),
> > >      "fname" CHAR(10),
> > >      "addr" INT,
> > >      FOREIGN KEY("addr") REFERENCES "Addresses"("ID")
> > >   )
> > >
> > >   INSERT INTO "Addresses" ("ID", "city", "state") 
> > >      VALUES (18, 'Cambridge', 'MA')
> > >   INSERT INTO "People" ("ID", "fname", "addr")
> > >      VALUES (7, 'Bob', 18)
> > >   INSERT INTO "People" ("ID", "fname", "addr")
> > >      VALUES (8, 'Sue', NULL)

SQL's case-insensitivity requires that if we want to be sure to create
a table called Addresses, we must 'CREATE TABLE "Addresses"...'.
Case-insensitivity on the inserts would then make all of

   INSERT INTO  Addresses  ( ID ,  city ,  state ) 
      VALUES (18, 'Cambridge', 'MA')

   INSERT INTO  aDdReSsEs  ( iD ,  cItY ,  sTaTe ) 
      VALUES (18, 'Cambridge', 'MA')

   INSERT INTO "Addresses" ("ID", "city", "state") 
      VALUES (18, 'Cambridge', 'MA')

have identical effect (so long as there were no other identifiers
which differed only by case).

I'm assuming that the regards the aesthetic burden of extra quotes as
lower than the cognitive burden of different quoting in the CREATEs
and the INSERTs so I've followed this quote-heavy advice in R1.18.

I would expect, however, that many readers of the document will have
MySQL or Postgresql and have not even seen quotes around identifiers
before. In fact, MySQL doesn't even parse ""s around identifiers (even
in ANSI compatability mode, per my tests). Quoting consistency is low:
Unfortunately, that article's advice:
  The safest choice if you care about portability and peace of mind is
  not to quote the identifiers when you create your tables/fields and
  when you run your queries.
doesn't work for us as the unquoted direct graph would look like
(according to this test -- I haven't confirmed beyond playing with
MySQL's ANSI mode and seeing no change in behavior):

Oracle: <PEOPLE/ID-7> <PEOPLE#FNAME> "Bob" .
PostgreSQL: <people/id-7> <people#fname> "Bob" .
MySQL/Windows: <people/ID-7> <people#fname> "Bob" .
MySQL/Unix: <People/ID-7> <People#fname> "Bob" .
SQLite: <People/ID-7> <People#fname> "Bob" .
SQL Server: <People/ID-7> <People#fname> "Bob" .

Here's a table of the quoting characters, which also vary between

If this persuades folks that we should go quote-light, or perhaps use
Japanese 「」s instead, let me know.

> Similar must be done throughout.

I saw only those three inserts. Anybody see something else that needs quoting?
Maybe some scare-quotes, A "Direct" Mapping of Relational "Data" to RDF?

> Be seeing you,
> Ted
> --
> A: Yes.            
> | Q: Are you sure?
> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Thursday, 26 January 2012 20:51:43 UTC